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How Flaky is the Infrastructure?
27 July 2014, 23:15,
RE: How Flaky is the Infrastructure?
from a UK perspective, critical Infrastructure is taken care of by the CPNI (Centre for protection of National Infrastructure), a, well, quango really, set up in 2007.

their website which frankly has more cow derivative than next door's field of Jerseys.

They answer to the Government's COBRA thing, and delegate down depending on what's happened to the private agency/company that controls the part that's failed.

In other words, I'm surprised nothing major hasn't fallen down yet.

especially after reading this remembering how bad the handling of Buncefield was.
Sodomi Non Sapiens.

Messages In This Thread
How Flaky is the Infrastructure? - by River Song - 27 July 2014, 14:44
RE: How Flaky is the Infrastructure? - by Bucket - 27 July 2014, 23:15

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