(11 August 2014, 18:18)Sunna Wrote: what will happen when this cash is all spent.
The British government has stopped collecting taxes on incomes, value added, customs and import duties?
Same old-same old.
SHTF could not possibly be more than 5 minutes away three years ago and here we are, three years down the road, discussing the same crap that was being bantered around in 1975.
The collection of people here are not the ones to ask, since preppers are pessimists by nature. The number of upwardly mobile middle class registered on this forum can be counted on less than all the fingers on one hand.
Look at your national figures on the living standard of the nation and see if you are in decline as a people on the whole, not just the ones that lost their jobs, refused to pawn their computer and began contemplating the end of the world.