RE: what if this was after TSHTF?
DEV me old mucker, if a serious event were to happen the entire transport system would shut down in weeks never mind a decade or two. but I'm not so much talking about the infrastructure itself as what goes on around it, given that in a serious event (we ARE talking TSHTF here not some minor local difficulty)no repairs would be undertaken or even doable. without maintenance gullies and ditches flood, then they flood OVER onto the road taking silt, soil and other sedements onto the road, the water recedes but leaves behind the silt and soils, onto this is deposited seeds and other material by storms, winds and birds, these then grow onto the road bed and as I have already said within 12 months these can be a metre high or more in the case of saplings and the like, these will break up the already potholed road and make it impassable, to say nothing of fallen trees and other materials, winter flooding will undermine a lot of the roads as has happened in the last winter or two(the river road at Umberleigh on the A377 Barnstaple to Exeter road has had traffic lights due to road erosion for the last 12 months) by which time their is no road fuel left anyway so I doubt anyone is going very far, and like NR said we'll all be walking or riding anyway and it wont be motorised.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.