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another one for the chop.
16 November 2014, 17:26,
RE: another one for the chop.
White savior complex. He had to help the poor suffering minorities because of all his straight, white, able bodied, heteronormative, cis privilege. Look how much better he is than everyone else by donating his time to these people. Straight to heaven for that one etc.

It got him killed.

Messages In This Thread
another one for the chop. - by Sunna - 16 November 2014, 15:15
RE: another one for the chop. - by Mortblanc - 16 November 2014, 15:32
RE: another one for the chop. - by Carnebwen - 16 November 2014, 17:26
RE: another one for the chop. - by Barneyboy - 16 November 2014, 20:20

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