RE: Where Most Prepping Falls Short:
I have always thought that humans as a species have come so far that they have further to fall WHEN the collapse comes, some may think we are too advanced to fail, I think that is very niave, other civilisations before us have failed, we are no different. the only trouble is MOST humans of the western civilisation are now so far removed from their natural roots that they would not survive without their technology, global delivery systems and mains services. many preppers(I don't class myself as a prepper, I am a survivalist) seem to think prepping is all about amassing a huge pile of consumer "stuff" and that's it-job done, I don't agree, I do not subscribe to the theory that post SHTF we will be able to trundle into the city, find what we need in the burnt out remains of the stores and help ourselves, if we cannot make a new one or repair the old one then we had better make sure we can do without because that is the 3rd and only other option. I also do not subscribe to the "hordes" theory, maybe that would apply in the USA where they have a different attitude but even there not all would leave, same in the UK, I don't agree that millions of people would leave their homes and become Refugees without anywhere to go just hoping for the best, sure a few will wander about but we can deal with a few. some preppers only prep for the small sometimes personal tragedies(unemployment, illness, divorce, power cuts, the odd union know the small events we have all lives through ourselves in the past....some of us more than once! that is their choice, my philosophy is that if I prepare for the big one, "the collapse", civil unrest, societal collapse, and TEOTWAWKI then by definition I have also covered for the small events too as my preps are universal and can be used for those too. I would rather be proved wrong about the event than be proved right but just in case I am (right) I've got it covered.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.