RE: Where Most Prepping Falls Short:
Well I thank you for many varied responses.
At least it has confirmed to me that the majority who appear to be preppers still have their eyes firmly closed on the long term. They treat it as a joke that it will all be over in short period and back to some semblance of normality. The biggest thing is that they don’t even want to discuss or debate it. They are so entrenched in their own view, especially some of our American friends who appear to think they are God’s gift to the world, that they don’t even consider other views. As Mortblanc kindly said, ‘Been a long time since I read that much BS in such a compact form.’
That comment just goes to show the arrogance of some of our American ‘friends’.
I was quite prepared to debate this seriously but the comments posted say I would only be hitting my head against a brick wall.
I no longer consider it worth my while staying on the site. I don’t even see the point in looking at it.
If you do wish to contact me and I doubt you will, but just in case. Let Big Paul have your email address and he will forward it to me.
Preppers generally cannot think into the longer term. As stated at the beginning of the post, we must use what we have, from what is initially left, use it wisely not for the now but to get us to a future without what we have now. Do not kid yourself if the collapse is really bad or maybe even half bad you are going to lose electricity and once you do for anything other than maybe a few days that will be it. Yes you may have your solar panels that may last a few years but eventually they are going to breakdown or wear out and no matter how many spare parts you stock they will soon be gone.
But many cannot see this and fail to plan for life without it. Not just maybe for themselves but for those that follow. The same applies for much of what we take for granted today. "Survivalists are preppers, preppers are not survivalists" and therein lies the problem.
I will be requesting SD to remove my details from this list as I see no point in continuing.
I take on board what Mortblanc says: When you hear that small inner voice speaking to you, consider the source and ignore it. I hear and I am ignoring it.
Best of Luck