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fighting back
6 December 2014, 12:18, (This post was last modified: 6 December 2014, 12:24 by NorthernRaider.)
RE: fighting back
So long as there is an ENTITLEMENT psyche and a " We should be given" culture in the UK with huge numbers of people thinking that society has an obligation to fund, feed, house them from wherever in the world they came from, instead of simply helping what Barney correctly points out as the genuine needy then you will find arsonists, anarchists, yobs and scum joining in justified protests for personal gain.

And so far I don't think anyone has gotten a way to nullify the age old ENVY bug, I think the best route forward for us as preppers is to just keep doing what we are doing now, but the state needs to stop rebuilding and spending oney in areas that the locals keep trashing. If they shit in their own nest then leave em to live in it.

When we lived in Teesside Stockton council got £27 million to rebfurbish and improve about 300 council houses, new double glazing, boilers, insulation , kitchens ad bathrooms and landscape and clean up the estates. Within 24 hours of completion fences were torn down, scrap and rubbish dumped in the gardens, metal gates sold for scrap and within 7 or 8 years the houses had to be demolished and only because the tenants ruined their estates.

Trouble is the justice system is far to soft, anarchists who burn, loot, smash up businesses etc hide among lawful protestors to destroy shops and businesses, but the penalties are insanely soft.


Messages In This Thread
fighting back - by Sunna - 6 December 2014, 11:47
RE: fighting back - by bigpaul - 6 December 2014, 12:08
RE: fighting back - by NorthernRaider - 6 December 2014, 12:18
RE: fighting back - by bigpaul - 6 December 2014, 12:31
RE: fighting back - by NorthernRaider - 6 December 2014, 12:40
RE: fighting back - by Sunna - 6 December 2014, 12:44
RE: fighting back - by bigpaul - 6 December 2014, 12:48
RE: fighting back - by NorthernRaider - 6 December 2014, 13:01
RE: fighting back - by Sunna - 6 December 2014, 13:09
RE: fighting back - by NorthernRaider - 6 December 2014, 13:21
RE: fighting back - by Midnitemo - 6 December 2014, 13:55
RE: fighting back - by NorthernRaider - 6 December 2014, 14:08
RE: fighting back - by Midnitemo - 6 December 2014, 14:13
RE: fighting back - by bigpaul - 6 December 2014, 14:14
RE: fighting back - by NorthernRaider - 6 December 2014, 14:28
RE: fighting back - by Midnitemo - 6 December 2014, 14:34
RE: fighting back - by bigpaul - 6 December 2014, 14:35
RE: fighting back - by Midnitemo - 6 December 2014, 14:39
RE: fighting back - by Tibbs735 - 6 December 2014, 20:33
RE: fighting back - by NorthernRaider - 6 December 2014, 22:05
RE: fighting back - by Barneyboy - 6 December 2014, 22:22
RE: fighting back - by NorthernRaider - 6 December 2014, 22:24
RE: fighting back - by Barneyboy - 6 December 2014, 22:27
RE: fighting back - by NorthernRaider - 6 December 2014, 23:56
RE: fighting back - by bigpaul - 7 December 2014, 10:50
RE: fighting back - by bigpaul - 7 December 2014, 12:26

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