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Starting to get "it"
14 December 2014, 10:51, (This post was last modified: 14 December 2014, 11:21 by NorthernRaider.)
RE: Starting to get "it"
No John what I called TWADDLE was you childish and wrong assumption that I claimed the GROUP was MINE as some sort of leader, when in fact the opposite is true, my main and just about only role apart from looking after my own family is to act as a hub for the group to relay posts and info to each other and nothing more. They guys and gals call in when they are in the area when it suits them and they are under no obligation to do anything.

Point TWO you say
"But it really is no concern of mine I suppose, good luck but if per chance it does to hell in a hand basket then don't come down my way. . "

If it is of no concern of yours then why are you trying to persuade people to flock to your cause?
Trust me I definitely will not be heading anywhere near your way.

Again feel free to make your own case on the forum, if you are so hard done by and feel your concept is correct then feel free to talk about it.

How do you know that you are not part of the E mail group? You are ASSUMING you know what other people talk about, AND I know BP for one is always discussing a return to a pre industrial revolution style of survival. You have NO idea what we talk about.

Point THREE you say
"But it really is no concern of mine I suppose, good luck but if per chance it does to hell in a hand basket then don't come down my way."

What a superb attitude to try and attract people to your way of thinking, now not to get interested people to talk to you.

One bit that John simply does not GET is many people prep for many different things, not everyone is prepping for the end of society, some are, some are not, simple as that.
I know on this forum there are folks prepping for urban unrest, unemployment, Ebola, Terrorism, Repressive government, winter storms, mega tsunamis, NWO, crop failure, the EUSSR etc etc ALL of their opinions are important to them and that is what matters.

People I am sure have considered his scenario and CHOSEN to not plan for it, its for THEM the preppers et al to decide what is right for them. Everyone can and should if they feel strongly about their concerns and make their case if they are driven enough, but others ( thankfully) will challenge, debate, disagree, discount, offer alternatives or simply say NO and that is how it should be.

In fairness to John if folks are genuinely thinking they will be going back to living as john puts it " what are your plans for living in a post SHTF world with no power, sort of stone age." Then I am sure they will PM or E mail him or bring it up on the forums, bring on the discussions.

Now for the interesting bit

John said I was attacking him and his opinions in the other thread, lets investigate what I actually said right up to the bit where John decided he wanted to stop the debate and leave the forum.

1 John made his post

2 My first response was
"An interesting and intelligent contribution to the debate, refreshing and welcome. "

then the rest of my posts interspersed with other posts right up til John said he wanted to stop was the following

One aspect of many indigenous nomadic cultures is they like many of the animals they relied upon had to migrate over long distances, when our ancestors last had to do that the uk was still connected to the continent via Doggerland. Settled communities of hunter gatherers were left to the mercy of local climatic events such as droughts or climate change like the Clovis in the US.
One aspect often overlooked I think is the huge amounts of sea food available if the right skills and kit are available.

Good post steve, I struggle to envisage a return to such primitive conditions in reality, but I have to respect and accept others views or threat scenarios, who knows what could happen. I don't think there will ever be a consensus on this but its handy to explore all options.

I think that even the US would struggle to feed itself without Petrochems for fuel and fertiliser and electricity.

Though our population has risen in excess of 20 million since the end of WW2 when we struggled to feed our people today we have far more advanced agricultural systems and much more productive land, BUT (always a but isn't there?) Modern agriculture is utterly reliant on chemical fertilisers and pesticides made from oil, the plant and agricultural equipment is utterly reliant on oil products.

Our WAR reserves of fuel will support the MILITARY for nearly 90 days but that same fuel if redirected to the entire nations food production industry would only last a week or two.

God knows which horrible scenario is likely to come to pass, the best we can do is try and use as broad a brush as possible with our preps.

John, I think you are still trying to build a prepper community with you in charge as you muted some years ago, it wont work for multiple reasons then or now. You appear and intransigent as the others of strong opinions, try embracing and respecting them all its easier than fighting them.

That was my TOTAL contribution to the thread up to John deciding he did not want to debate any more and wanted to close his account.


Messages In This Thread
Starting to get "it" - by NorthernRaider - 13 December 2014, 11:25
RE: Starting to get "it" - by bigpaul - 13 December 2014, 12:41
RE: Starting to get "it" - by Midnitemo - 13 December 2014, 16:27
RE: Starting to get "it" - by John - 13 December 2014, 17:11
RE: Starting to get "it" - by NorthernRaider - 13 December 2014, 17:33
RE: Starting to get "it" - by John - 14 December 2014, 09:24
RE: Starting to get "it" - by NorthernRaider - 14 December 2014, 09:56
RE: Starting to get "it" - by John - 14 December 2014, 10:35
RE: Starting to get "it" - by NorthernRaider - 14 December 2014, 10:51
RE: Starting to get "it" - by Tarrel - 14 December 2014, 11:21
RE: Starting to get "it" - by NorthernRaider - 14 December 2014, 11:23
RE: Starting to get "it" - by bigpaul - 14 December 2014, 11:28
RE: Starting to get "it" - by NorthernRaider - 14 December 2014, 11:41
RE: Starting to get "it" - by Devonian - 14 December 2014, 13:02
RE: Starting to get "it" - by bigpaul - 14 December 2014, 13:33
RE: Starting to get "it" - by bigpaul - 14 December 2014, 14:50
RE: Starting to get "it" - by Midnitemo - 14 December 2014, 15:11
RE: Starting to get "it" - by Devonian - 14 December 2014, 15:30

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