Apparently I am a bad person, if I post and make an effort to create debate and interest I am wrong, if I don't post and wait for others to lead I am sulking.
I can also apparently CLOSE threads by magic according to Sunna but I have no moderator privileges
If I say I " Good thread, valuable and welcome contribution" type stuff to John I am attacking him.
According to BP I'm all Me Me Me and you lot are all sheep following blindly ??? with Sunnas blessing (Dunno why he does not like you lot though?)
and last year one person told mods I was harassing them even though I could not see their posts or read them so how could I hassle them.
and I suspect I am offending someone on another forum that I don't use that BP and Sunna are chums with and have nothing to do with ?
Odd really cos just the other day I was told there were no one posting on the other forum??
I thought we were starting to get back going again after the Tof and Bug Out Bag and Sunna issue in Spring but clearly not, never mind its Crimbo
Soooooo BP Sunna, Tof, Bug Out Bag etc please feel free to show the forum the benefits of your knowledge, I'm more than happy to let you show us where I keep going wrong.
Respects to all.