RE: Defending my home against intruders
Unless you know how to handle a Sword correctly, you are a danger to yourself. They require training to use effectively, and you do need to learn the correct cutting technique. Without training in any situation you will end up swinging wildly as fear overtakes your lack of technique. If you really want to own a Sword seek out a club that trains in Iaido, Kendo or Kenjutsu. If you want to go down the European Sword school then seek out clubs that train in HEMA (historical European Martial Arts). Be prepared to spend some time learning the basics before you ever buy a Sword, I trained for a full year with a Wooden one before being allowed to use a "live" blade (sharp). This is not extreme as you can kill yourself, or injure yourself severley. Remember a sword is ALWAYS loaded and doesn't have a safety. Without training I do not recommend a Sword.
A Machete or a Baseball bat would be a good choice as they require little finesse or skill to use effectively.