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Crowing Cockerels
2 April 2015, 10:07,
RE: Crowing Cockerels
(2 April 2015, 09:19)MaryN Wrote: Wow,S! You call your cock (sorry, cockerel) Kevin? I've got to agree with you; I like hearing my little chap bawling his head off and watching him chase his girls round the coop, but not everyone is so keen on the racket first thing in the morning. I can hardly say "suck it up, you'll be thankful if things go horribly amiss and I have chickens!" But, to update on the anti-crow collar, so far so good. The cockerel was not happy about having the thing fastened around his neck and tried everything to get it off (I had to use duct tape for a really secure fit). I'm not an unkind person, but I cried with laughter watching him. After a bit, he started looking quite thoughtful and stopped trying to crow every 10 seconds. It has now been reduced to a rather strangled squawk. This does not have the same carrying effect as a full blown morning serenade, and I'm pleased with the result. The collar in no way stops him from eating, performing his duties and doing everything a chicken should do, so there is no cruelty involved. It just means no potential hassle from annoyed neighbours,

Put one on Harry and Percy. Percy, the silkie, didn't mind too much, but Harry went bat-chit-crazy. Spent a good 15 minutes walking backwards, jumping all over the place. Then settled down a bit. Popped in to tidy away some things and when I came back out he was just laying down on the ground. Went over to him and he didn't move. Had to take it off in the end as he really wasn't happy. The hens kept pecking him too.
So now I've taken it off Percy too.

Noisy buggers kick off at 0415 daily...

Might give it another go with the collar, but from his initial reaction I'm not going to hold my breath that it'll work.

Messages In This Thread
Crowing Cockerels - by MaryN - 28 March 2015, 15:20
RE: Crowing Cockerels - by Straight Shooter - 29 March 2015, 00:13
RE: Crowing Cockerels - by MaryN - 2 April 2015, 09:19
RE: Crowing Cockerels - by BeardyMan - 2 April 2015, 10:07

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