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weapons and the devious mind
11 April 2015, 09:47,
RE: weapons and the devious mind
this has always been my problem with any American prepper forums, there seems to be a fixation with weapons especially guns, although some "security" measures will be needed post SHTF I don't feel that in a British situation this is necessarily our top priority.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.

Messages In This Thread
weapons and the devious mind - by Mortblanc - 10 April 2015, 21:59
RE: weapons and the devious mind - by bigpaul - 11 April 2015, 09:47
RE: weapons and the devious mind - by Steve - 11 April 2015, 09:54
RE: weapons and the devious mind - by Sunna - 11 April 2015, 15:58
RE: weapons and the devious mind - by Sunna - 11 April 2015, 19:18

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