RE: NaomiBanat - TV reporter on this forum
What these Reporters don't seem to get is we are ordinary people, we go to work, we socialise with friends, raise our kids, were not out dancing around bush fires in the forests and hunting dinner, ( well some times lol )
we live ordinary lives! but our eyes are open! we see the cost of food rising, fuel costs going up and up, threats of strike action, we know we don't produce enough food in this country to sustain the population, and as last summer and the one before proved, when the countries that supply us have problems such and drought or heat waves, we either can't have what they supply or we have to pay though the nose for it.
One day of snow this year and my mums local tesco in london had empty shelves, even a sheeple must be able to see it makes sense to have some food stored?
We keep up with world events, fore warned is fore armed, I know quite a few people that never watch the news! my mind boggles, I watch it every day coz I know that usually what ever shite is going on in other countries will sooner or later affect us here, and I'd like a bit of notice!
we watch for bad weather coz we know if it's coming our way, we still have to get our kids to school and get to work, stay warm and fed, and we need to prepare for that, before I ever heard the term prepper, I would not leave home for any journey with my kids with out water, blankets, food, torch, petrol, most of what we do is just common sense.
Read through the forum Naomi, we discuss solar flares, wars, pandemics, food shortages and so on, do a little research, and ask yourself this!
if all your research opens your eyes and you decide it maybe a good idea to become a prepper, how many people would you trust and tell?