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And…you just got fired! Now what?
18 July 2015, 12:14,
RE: And…you just got fired! Now what?
I, fortunately, will never face that problem again, but if I were in Greece and facing a pension cut I would have to take some measures.

I would first shut down the TV and back off the internet service to the bare minimum. Drop the insurance on the vehicles down to the minimum. Stop the quick trips for carry out and eat in food.

I could not go into full survival mode due to the laws here. One must have water and electric in their home or face condemnation and evection. My water, sewer and power runs about $200us per month. Due to age and possible emergency needs I would have to keep my phone in service. So my total outlay would be around $225 per month. Food on top of that, but I would be eating cheaply and foraging for most of the protein.

I have no mortgage, my taxes are minimal. If I fell behind in taxes and was being threatened I have a very sinister view of doing the right thing. I would burn the place to the ground and salt the earth is stands on! But around here one must be at least 10 years behind on property taxes for TPTB to go into harassment mode. I probably will not make it another ten years. I am lucky to have lasted this long.

But again, the age thing is a plus. When I reached retirement I went on a "homestead assessment" which virtually eliminates my property taxation. I pay a token $25-$30us per year.

If I did lose the place I would move south and live with my son and DIL on their farm with the primary task of being the old geezer in residence and minion guard of the palace.
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RE: And…you just got fired! Now what? - by Mortblanc - 18 July 2015, 12:14

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