(10 January 2012, 15:31)bigpaul Wrote: i like the new ad by Vinnie Jones for CPR! makes it so simple anyone can do it, but what are the legal ramifications if your only an amateur not a medical professional??
Would a person who is not breathing really care????
I would think if there is no medical professional around its better to give some kind of assistance than non at all. Plus you may actually save their life - so I would go for it if the circumstances arrived
I have been a qualified first aider for some time. Since qualifying i have treated 3 people on the job - 1 had an Epileptic fit, another was slipping into diabetic coma and the other cardic arrest.
When I took the course - I remember thinking would I be able to perform and get it right if I had to assist someone - but when called to actually perform I was ok - really calm. I tend to very calm under pressure - its when the moment passes, then I tend to panic!! :-)