RE: New Scenario
If it's a year on, we have 2 other preppers on this road as well as a couple of shooters, and a farmer. So cannibalising nearby houses for solar power and the alike would have been a priority, as would open planning the grounds between the houses. The first 'major' crop would be getting harvested, and the fortifications would be guarded. Thankfully fortifying our area would be pretty simple. Just have a couple of exits to block, then we have houses all round, and open land in the middle. Once fences are down, we'll be happy to farm what's left in the middle, working as a team.
What future? Well, considering I don't foresee a major die off scenario e.g. EOTWAWKI, I believe that we would need to stay alive, and in time, we would make contact with other groups similar to ours. Even with a 90% die off, that would leave the average UK village with around 100 people. So seeing other people would be pretty common, until they died off too. Very pessimistic, now I think about it.
But gradually, the final surviving 'greats' like the scientific minds, engineers, and the alike, will be able to start rebuilding. Within 5 years there will be a safe food chain, and communication channels (like radio and the alike back up and running more regularly). Power generation will be pretty speedy from solar and the alike which will already be running. With the reduced population, the electrical needs/draining will be HUGELY reduced, so running batteries and solar will be pretty much enough for most of the year. The other things like wind and water wheels will be harnessed by year 6.
Slowly, but surely, we'll be back to where we are now. Yes, I kid not, we'll be back up where we are now, speaking about the lessons we should have learned. And then in 10'000 years time, everything will go wrong again :-(
But the future I see…it's pretty bright. The future is whatever we're going to make it into.
Personally I would be happy with returning to life BI (before internet) say back in the early 1990s. But even things like TV would be about 10 to 12 years down the line. But really not that much further. The internet would be available as it is bomb proof…literally.
Human Creativity has allowed us to have the world that we live in today. It has enhanced science, medicine, arts, literature, mathematics, and the alike. Some people take books and essays like "I Pencil" (awesome read by the way) to be a symbol of how fragile the world is. While others see it as the amazing ingenuity of mankind as a species. So they see it as a beacon of hope for the future.
In 1 year I see us as stable (if you're not stable in the first year, then you're doing it wrong). In a year and a half, starting to prosper. In 2 years, we'll have the option for 'leisure time', but it'll be best employed as an academic pursuit time period, to help further what we would have built.
Dissent is the highest form of Patriotism - Thomas Jefferson
Those who sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither - Benjamin Franklin