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Lidl: electric chain saws for £49.99
24 August 2015, 19:05,
RE: Lidl: electric chain saws for £49.99
I have picked up a couple of these bargain basement electric chains saws over the years and find them of very poor quality and no durability.

In this particular area of endeavor I support the old rule of buying quality, mostly because when I need a chainsaw I need it right now, I need it to work, and nothing else will get the job done.

One of my neighbors has a Remington electric CS that we have used the crap out of. He and I have dispatched several storm damaged trees using my Homlite gas saw and his Remington. The Remington will almost keep up with my gas saw and is lighter. If it were not for the need to drag bout 100feet of electric cord I would say he had the better saw.
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Messages In This Thread
Lidl: electric chain saws for £49.99 - by bigpaul - 24 August 2015, 12:50
RE: Lidl: electric chain saws for £49.99 - by Mortblanc - 24 August 2015, 19:05

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