RE: Is this the script for a movie?
About bloody time ! so does any of this make sense to YOU ? WHY do we except it ? do we expect the Gov to sort it out and just moan about it ? forget it ....they are the reason why we have arrived here in the first place they have proved they are a complete waste of space and fucking useless ....most sheeple carry on with their lives....filled with shit like prices of food,paying a mortgage,paying for heating, paying the rates and are to busy NOT realizing (the boiling a frog scenario) ....some do not really care about the changes that erode our liberty little by little ...once known as the middle class.....what middle class ? well as a fellow frog... the heat is has now been increased and my arse is reaching boiling point....what will help preppers/ survivalists , just being aware of what the true reality actually the time most GET IT will be way to late.....or am i just blowing smoke up my own arse ?