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Unintended consequences of mass migration into EU
20 October 2015, 00:45,
RE: Unintended consequences of mass migration into EU
I actually had the recent opportunity to visit the Calais migrant camp, which is the thin end of the broader migrant crisis in Europe. Here are some lessons I learned:
- Lots of people have little ability to visualise what they would need in a desperate situation (judging by the ridiculous crap I saw in donation piles at a charity warehouse.)
- Those most supportive of allowing migrants into the UK and helping them in general were completely naive or chose to ignore the obvious consequences of allowing them to come to the UK. There were plenty of tourists walking around the camp as if it was a more authentic Dismaland type attraction, as well as middle class do-gooders bringing their children "Oh Terrence please don't climb the fence." Some where shocked when donations were thrown away or when they were fussy with regards to cloths or shoes.
- Different nationalities (migrants clump together around nationality) cope in different ways, most of the African guys could build a fairly decent hut and set up a communal kitchen for their group, where as the Kuwaiti and other Middle Eastern camps were very squalid and dirty (Afghans the exception, with quite a few orderly shops set up with Afghan flags.
-Little ability to manage latrines. Charities had set up toilets, but no-one uses toilet paper (water bottle and left hand.) There was shit everywhere, I'm surprised more people were not ill.
- They will find it hard to integrate, and many will simply be throwing themselves onto our social safety net, grow the inner city ghettoes and increase the social powder keg. For those that do integrate, they will join the growing underclass chasing the decreasing houses, resources and jobs.
- French police had massively reduced the number of successful illegal crossings, meaning the camp has gone from a temprory stopping point to a slow build up with little pressure release. I actually saw and spoke to few Syrians. I did see Sudanese, Egyptian, Ethiopian, Iraqi, Iranian, Kosovo, not sure who else.
Woe to those who add house to house and join field to field, Until there is no more room, So that you have to live alone in the midst of the land!
Isaiah 5:8

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RE: Unintended consequences of mass migration into EU - by Tibbs735 - 20 October 2015, 00:45

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