RE: Is this the script for a movie?
Look at the establishments logic, Crime rises in RURAL areas respond by REMOVING police resources from rural areas leaving villagers and farmers and out of town businesses even more vulnerable to attack.
Look at the Tottenham riots in 2010 and the time leading up to it. From 1996 to 2010 the police and state have mercilessly campaigned to prevent citizens from protecting themselves, gun bans, knife bans, baton bans etc, prosecutions of home owners who use ""To much"" force to protect themselves from criminals. Protest groups objecting to the REAL and HUGE rise in violent street crime by the officially recognised 250 black and ethnic street gangs in our cities being put down remorselessly by the establishment.
Then along comes 2010 an the Police shoot dead a known criminal and Tottenham erupts into rioting, arson, looting, rape, vandalism, muggings.................. So we await the 32,000 officers of the Met ( and their colleagues in other cities where offshoot trouble flares up) ....................... Sirens sound, police cars and vans rush to Tottenham ......... Skirmish with the rioters..................Then WITHDRAW !!!!!.. An official police spokesman says the police were withdrawn to (A) Try and defuse the situation and (B) ensure the safety of the POLICE !!!!. IE The community can go and F*** itself we are staying away from Tottenham until things quieten down and we ( the cops) are not getting attacked.
This leaves the home owners, motorists, shop and café owners, large and small business owners standing their watching their businesses get looted and torched.
Look at the welfare state, for 75 years the government has said WE WILL TAX YOU MORE to pay for a good welfare system, WE WILL TAX YOU MORE to give you a good NHS, WE WILL TAX YOU MORE to give you good public services, WE WILL TAX YOU MORE to give you world class Education, WE WILL TAX YOU MORE to give you first rate Poliing and protection etc etc
Now in 2015 the public services are failing but the taxes only ever go up and NOW they say ( ALL the big parties) if you want a cop in your village you have to pay more, if you want a GP surgery in your village you have to pay more, if you want a COMFORTABLE pension you have to pay more, If you want world class schooling you have to pay more. THEY et al FAILED to deliver Today in 2015 you do pay more taxes than ever for ever declining public services, dial 999 in the middle of the night and you MAY get a cop within and hour. (WHEN YOU ONLY HAVE SECONDS TO LIVE IT IS OF LITTLE COMFORT TO KNOW THE POLICE ARE ONLY MINUTES AWAY). You MAY get an ambulance provided its not redirected to collect drunks from the cty centre or cold asylum seekers hidden in the back of a truck,
Council house NEEDING ..... don't hold your bloody breath in 2012 we were 2.5 million homes short. we are now 3.2 million homes short, we have no where to build them, no money to finance them, if they do get built migrants with 8 kids get priority over Brits with 2 kids AND AND AND the states response to an insane housing shortage is to................ Bring in more people from abroad wanting Council houses.
No disrespect but if you have faith in the state to house, care, feed, educate, employ, protect and care for you, then Sirs you are insane.