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What happens when there is no restoration?
11 November 2015, 17:59, (This post was last modified: 11 November 2015, 18:07 by NorthernRaider.)
RE: What happens when there is no restoration?
I'm personally of the believe that there WILL be a MAJOR restoration, but because the costs of a collapse are likely to be so high the recovery will see lets say SHEFFIELD as an example off the top of my head will end up more like perhaps a Chilean city or perhaps an Eastern European city. IE the essentials will be there, schools, hospitals, shops, internet, cops, local government etc but much of the very expensive social welfare systems will not come back. Any taxes that get levied, collected etc will be going on maintaining basic essentials for a very long time. So few if any youth clubs, sure starts, drop in centres, oap homes, social services etc. Its the bit between the collapse and the recovery that scares me more now than ever, one example if we have a much greater percentage of society made up of migrants and minorities, I think tensions that exist NOW will explode into trouble if TSHTF, I can see ethnic and religious tribalism becoming established for the long term, and with what is left of an army now numbering only 55,000 there is very little anyone can do anything about it. Clashes between haves, have nots, the various races, the various faiths, the core traditional political outlook of areas etc, rural versus urban will happen and it will be a while before conflict morphs into trade and barter.

FYI I think those who will be the fastest off the start block are those communities who can quickly generate electricity for local or smart grids, So villages with geothermal, wind farms, solar arrays, gas platforms, open cast coal etc will have the upper hand.

I think when I look at Eastern Europe today with its intact family groups, every home near as dammit has its own veg plot, chooks, pigs , well etc, a basic but reliable vehicle without frills, locally traded foods etc, much lower living costs and taxes etc. I think THEY won the Cold War. We have a high tech, interweb connected, everything is disposable, high tax, high state expenditure society and its sucking the life out of the Western countries


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RE: What happens when there is no restoration? - by NorthernRaider - 11 November 2015, 17:59

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