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Post Paris attack thoughts?
16 November 2015, 09:48, (This post was last modified: 16 November 2015, 10:39 by NorthernRaider.)
Post Paris attack thoughts?
Post Paris attack thoughts?
Some points the BBC made this morning it got me thinking, such as
(1) The French have foiled MULTIPLE other attacks since Charlie Hebdo
(2) The UK have foiled 7 attacks this year
SOONER or LATER the peace loving tolerent Muslim community will suceed in the UK so consider this
(A) Every french cop, gendarme, state police officer and other enforcment officers are armed, and their average response to a crime is about 7 minutes, so they can have an armed cop on a scene within roughly 7 minutes in a city and perhaps 15 to 20 in a rural area.
(B) FEW UK cops are armed and the average ARMED response time often is 15 minutes plus in a big city OFTEN AFTER being summonsed by other unarmed cops who have to attend first. In rural areas ARMED responses can be up to 45 minutes though I do remember a case in North Yorks where the armed officers were all up the DALES when an incident occured near Whitby and it took then nearlt 1.30 hours to arive.
BUT NOTE if the attackers are in a theatre or hall or other venue there is little that even armed cops can do until their seige busting teams arrive.
How much damage could those same 8 attackers achieve in a UK city where the armed cops could take the best part of an hour to attend with trained armed officers IN NUMBERS. Dont forget most UK forces outside London only field two possible three ARVs at any given time when EVERY French cop is armed and trained. Those same attackers operating in the UK could have slaughtered very many more people before a UK police response happened.
! We may if involved have to survive with police or medical support for quite a long time.
Did you see the incident of blind panicked stampeding by hundreds of Parisians and journalists on Sky when some dickhead set of fire crackers, They not only trampled the memorial in an effort to flee, but they knocked other people over in their blind panic and trampled them as they sought to get away from the attack. many fled into the nearest bar and hid behind tables. ( If the incident had been real the terrs would have a nice densely packed cornered target to attack at liesure)
Imagine that blind terror stricken hysteria kicking off in a crowded shop, train station, concert hall, sports stadium it would be quite likely many people would die without a shot being fired.
In a city with hightend tensions and higher levels of fear you have to be far more situationally aware and ensure you dont accidentally end up in the middle of a large crowd of people cos if something happens people will be crushed in a stampede, just as happened in that nightclub in Romania recently.
It may be unwelcome or inconvenient but if you live in or access urban facilities you really need to start looking at any and all options to avoid or mitigate you becoming a victm of the religion of peace.

I see the inevitable hysteria knee jerk reactions in the media to arm all the police, increase the numbers of police etc, but consider this.

Demands to arm more British cops is pointless, as seen in Beslan school, Moscow theatre and Paris hall this weekend.
Even the armed French police could do NOTHING whilst they were locked out of the venue and the terrs were locked inside with the victims.
More armed cops will not STOP an attack, the police ALWAYS need time to respond, from the first 999 call to cops arriving takes at least 10 minutes and up to 45 minutes in rural areas.
It is of little comfort know that when victims only have SECONDS to live that the police are only MINUTES away.
Only the citizens themselves if legally allowed to carry a weapon for self defence could stop the slaughter.


Messages In This Thread
Post Paris attack thoughts? - by NorthernRaider - 16 November 2015, 09:48
RE: Post Paris attack thoughts? - by BeardyMan - 16 November 2015, 16:42
RE: Post Paris attack thoughts? - by CharlesHarris - 16 November 2015, 19:35
RE: Post Paris attack thoughts? - by Steve - 16 November 2015, 20:03
RE: Post Paris attack thoughts? - by NorthernRaider - 16 November 2015, 20:03
RE: Post Paris attack thoughts? - by CharlesHarris - 16 November 2015, 22:03
RE: Post Paris attack thoughts? - by Sunna - 17 November 2015, 22:09

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