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The Floods HMMMMMM?
8 December 2015, 00:26,
RE: The Floods HMMMMMM?
I was thinking more along the lines of watching people trying to leave their homes from upstairs windows, so ideas like,

Selecting an escape route in the house of possible ie if you have a window over a solid porch or flat garage roof that will take your weight ensure the window is fitted with 270 degree hinges so you can climb out easy.

Keeping an escape ladder ( rope or metal) in the house to assist with escaping safely from the upstairs of the house.

Possibly keep a small inflatable boat so if you have very small kids you can put them in the boat not in the water and you can tow it to safety without dunking the kids in flithy sewage laden water.

Plot in advance where the manhole covers are in your garden and outside your house because it appears lots of manhole cover get blown out of position by fast rising flood water thus creating a deadly trap for unprepared waders.

Ensure you pull a stick, pole or broom handle ahead of you if you are wading to avoid falling down exposed manholes.

Note all useful shortest routes to higher ground

If you get frequent flood warnings prelocate your car on higher ground

Is the stuff in your escape kit in water proof bags

Are your disaster prep supplies stored in water proof container or off the flood so they don't get wiped out by fast rising flood water.

If you have flood alerts in your area find out the local water authority Env agency radio frequencies to listen into you may get an advantage.
Dev many of the houses out Appleby, Penrith, way were actually flooded by water from further above the house bursting from its normal hillside streams and pouring downhill in a torrent, and not flooded by rising water from lower altitude rivers.


Messages In This Thread
The Floods HMMMMMM? - by NorthernRaider - 7 December 2015, 17:54
RE: The Floods HMMMMMM? - by Devonian - 7 December 2015, 18:15
RE: The Floods HMMMMMM? - by Barneyboy - 7 December 2015, 20:16
RE: The Floods HMMMMMM? - by MaryN - 7 December 2015, 20:20
RE: The Floods HMMMMMM? - by Steve - 7 December 2015, 20:38
RE: The Floods HMMMMMM? - by Tipi - 7 December 2015, 22:30
RE: The Floods HMMMMMM? - by Tartar Horde - 8 December 2015, 00:11
RE: The Floods HMMMMMM? - by NorthernRaider - 8 December 2015, 00:26
RE: The Floods HMMMMMM? - by CharlesHarris - 8 December 2015, 01:25
RE: The Floods HMMMMMM? - by NorthernRaider - 8 December 2015, 10:08

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