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What is your status with your preps?
11 December 2015, 00:16,
What is your status with your preps?
I was wondering where everyone else currently “is” with their preps. I ask because I see world events going all over the place (but when are they not haha) and varying levels of activity on forums etc. My own activity has been low over the last few months as I am currently juggling spiritual/family/education issues, whilst continuing to prep here and there. Me and my brother hope to eventually find somewhere to rent together so we can better prepare.

Food, I am currently struggling to find affordable sources of bulk staples (milling wheat, beans, lentils etc) though I have been able to put up some long term rice. Securing this along with the other food is difficult; mouse traps are set in the shed, and certain family members fail to grasp that stored preps should be left alone, or replaced soon if used.
Water, a recent power cut made me realise that beyond camping stoves, I have no way to reliably boil large amount of water. This could be solved by obtaining some steel kettles and/or cauldrons for wood fires.
Sanitation, currently no thought out way to clean clothes or bed linen, or to shower etc. I have put aside toothpaste, babywipes and soap.
Garden, I’ve persuaded my family to expand the garden plots we have, we have put most of them down to winter cover crops to improve fertility (Agriculture degree is paying off!) We have sown phacelia and a legume mix, and will incorporate them before spring planting.

The biggest change I’ve made since the new year is my spiritual preparedness. I’ve started attending a church, and I am doing pre-baptism bible study. Aside from the obvious benefits of salvation and a new understanding of the unfolding world events, I have also gained a new community. It’s a Seventh Day Adventist church (Saturday sabbath church rather than sunday, lots of vegetarians/vegans, fairly conservative and strong rather than the stereotype of the Church of England.) Many Adventists are medically skilled, and as a church they see the writing on the wall. The idea of having to flee to the mountains, as well as getting out of the cities and getting more in touch with nature to prepare for difficult times is discussed quite regularly.

Please feel free to contribute any thoughts, I am currently on college internet so please don’t do anything to trigger the silly filter or I won’t be able to reply to my own thread.
Woe to those who add house to house and join field to field, Until there is no more room, So that you have to live alone in the midst of the land!
Isaiah 5:8

Messages In This Thread
What is your status with your preps? - by Tibbs735 - 11 December 2015, 00:16
RE: What is your status with your preps? - by bigpaul - 11 December 2015, 11:22
RE: What is your status with your preps? - by T-oddity - 11 December 2015, 12:46

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