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What is your status with your preps?
11 December 2015, 12:46,
RE: What is your status with your preps?
I manage to maintain my food, fuel and resources stocks to give us about three months, fairly limited on storage space, though that is a job to work on for the future.
For the immediate future we are concentrating on become far more self reliant than we already are, 2015 saw a long term investment pay off for me that I had intended using to buy that nice little out the way off grid location, but of course with the finacial down turn and the insane increase in house and land prices that idea had to be curtailed some what, plus I was young free and single when I first made the investment with no intention of marraige or family etc to consider, best laid plans of mice and men hay Smile , so its paid off the morgage where we are now, payed for a solar pv system, grid tied, but I intend to build a battery bank back up to give me some power to go along with the genny that I already have and a wood boiler and thermal store are going in the beggining of next year.
Not found anyone locally that is interested in prepping though I'm fortunate that a fare proportion of my extended family and friends have an awareness of prepping and it can be part of normal conversation at family gatherings etc, I am involved with local permaculture and transition groups as I see this as another way of adding to our resilience.
I'm in the same situation as BP in trying to build up a stock pile of my daily drugs and finding it a struggle, I was recently very glad of the small amount that I have built up, due to a change in pharmacy and a mix up with the surgery I was more than a week late getting my last prescription sorted.
Religion, each to there own, personaly I don't.

Messages In This Thread
What is your status with your preps? - by Tibbs735 - 11 December 2015, 00:16
RE: What is your status with your preps? - by bigpaul - 11 December 2015, 11:22
RE: What is your status with your preps? - by T-oddity - 11 December 2015, 12:46

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