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Is Climate change REAL?, Is it a THREAT?
12 December 2015, 15:54,
RE: Is Climate change REAL?, Is it a THREAT?
By looking at the ratios of carbon isotopes in atmospheric CO2 it has been proven that the increase is from fossil fuels, not some mystery natural phenomenon. Atmospheric CO2 levels are also rising 200 times faster than at any point in the last 650,000 years.

CO2 levels have been higher in the past, the atmosphere was very different then, able to support very different life-forms. When was the last time you saw a 4 foot dragonfly ? Sadly it might not be able to support our life-form.

A few years ago the oil company shills were constantly writing that only 97% of climate scientists agreed that man was causing the problem, I don't see them claiming that now, they've shifted tack onto "2 Degrees is safe" instead. This is crap, the 2 Degree figure is not suggested as "safe", it has been suggested as "possible". I'm not sure it is possible, people prefer to cling to any denial rather than change their own comfortable lives, so they'll keep on consuming.

I see the same from other addicts - many times I've heard smokers say "everything gives you cancer nowadays", " my Granddad smoked 40 a day", "you've got to die of something". Fat people say "I'm fat and happy", alcoholics say "you don't live longer - it just seems like it".

It's incredibly easy to convince people that doing nothing is the best course, witness the amount of people who didn't take their kids for the MMR jabs after a newspaper published a faked report. No amount of information subsequently printed could convince them that the MMR was the sensible option - they thought it must be a cover-up.

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RE: Is Climate change REAL?, Is it a THREAT? - by Steve - 12 December 2015, 15:54

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