RE: Is Climate change REAL?, Is it a THREAT?
Remember 650,000 years is only a brief moment in earths history, IF Global Warming or MANMADE Climate change is real remembering its only been 15 years since those same climatologists told us we were heading for a new ice age, IF it was a REAL threat then surely they must deal with the REAL issues, I see nothing to suggest any government or organisation is actually taking it seriously.
Two simple laws passed globally would save HUNDREDS of millions of tons of CO2 each year, just TWO very simple laws, NO MORE LEISURE FLIGHTS, only essential business flights, and limiting the amount of cars that are allowed on the roads each day in every country.
As for MMR We got our child the Three Single vacines not the MMR because we know inoculation generally is safe, so we went to a private hospital in Darlington to get out little one his shots over a period of weeks. Do you know who we met there? ALL bar 2 of my wifes colleagues from the Hospital she worked at, Consultants, SHOs, Matrons, Nurses, Specialists the whole range of medical professions that my missus has worked with for over 40 years ALL getting single shots for their kids. Just food for thought because these same experts who tell us MMR is safe are those very same experts who said Thalidomide was safe, BSE could not jump species, Salmonella was not in eggs etc WHY because my very own brother now aged 55 who was a perfectly normal happy little boy in childhood, bright, smart, fun, got his Measles jag, developed a temp for a few days and over the following months because severely autistic, he is now going deaf as well as severely disabled, he blanks out for minutes at a time, he has poor motor controls, yet before his measles shot he was a perfectly normal slightly younger version of me.
Please feel free to believe what ever the experts tell you, your life, your right your choice, but forgive us lesser beings who are rather more cynical about EXPERTS, just like those for the last 40 years who have been telling us not to ue lard and cook with veg oil, only to change their minds this year when they finally worked out heated veg oil changes it and makes it much worse than lard !!
This is a good sensible chat and I do respect and appreciate ALL of your replies, I would like to be very clear that I bdlieve ALL of YOUR comments guys hold just as much water as mine, This thread is only MY own opinion nothing else.