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Is Climate change REAL?, Is it a THREAT?
12 December 2015, 18:29,
RE: Is Climate change REAL?, Is it a THREAT?
(12 December 2015, 16:20)NorthernRaider Wrote: Remember 650,000 years is only a brief moment in earths history, IF Global Warming or MANMADE Climate change is real remembering its only been 15 years since those same climatologists told us we were heading for a new ice age, IF it was a REAL threat then surely they must deal with the REAL issues, I see nothing to suggest any government or organisation is actually taking it seriously.

Put another way, CO2 levels are rising 200 times faster than at any point since the last global climate disaster.

The new ice age predictions were correct, predictable factors cause it, but it has been overwhelmed by the greenhouse effect. Experts are wondering what will happen when the regular solar minimum ends.
(12 December 2015, 16:20)NorthernRaider Wrote: Two simple laws passed globally would save HUNDREDS of millions of tons of CO2 each year, just TWO very simple laws, NO MORE LEISURE FLIGHTS, only essential business flights, and limiting the amount of cars that are allowed on the roads each day in every country.

There's the problem. We can cut emissions drastically but it means an end to our economies. Emerging countries and powerhouses like China are wondering why they have to cut down on their growth because we in the west have screwed the climate up.

(12 December 2015, 16:20)NorthernRaider Wrote: As for MMR We got our child the Three Single vacines not the MMR because we know inoculation generally is safe, so we went to a private hospital in Darlington to get out little one his shots over a period of weeks. Do you know who we met there? ALL bar 2 of my wifes colleagues from the Hospital she worked at, Consultants, SHOs, Matrons, Nurses, Specialists the whole range of medical professions that my missus has worked with for over 40 years ALL getting single shots for their kids.

You'll find this interesting:

(12 December 2015, 16:20)NorthernRaider Wrote: forgive us lesser beings who are rather more cynical about EXPERTS,

You believed an "expert" about the MMR jabs though, and it sounds like you still do, even though he was a fraud and it was a money making scheme which has been completely discredited. Which is my point really, we all tend to believe "experts" if their pronouncements fit our own world view. If someone showed you a report that said socialism causes cancer you'd probably believe it ;-) , likewise you think global warming is an attempt by a socialist state to extract more tax from you. The only way to get a decent expert opinion is to ask a lot of experts - like all the climate scientists for example.

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RE: Is Climate change REAL?, Is it a THREAT? - by Steve - 12 December 2015, 18:29

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