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Sell everything! 2016 will be a 'cataclysmic year,' warns RBS
14 January 2016, 09:26,
RE: Sell everything! 2016 will be a 'cataclysmic year,' warns RBS
I think we have drifted off the OP a little on to oil.

I once learnt that if you have a choice between a conspiracy theory and a cock-up theory, always go for the latter. There's an awful lot of conspiracy here.

IMHO, America's shale oil project was nothing to do with keeping Russia at bay or anything like that. It was a long term aim of the US to be oil independent after being held to ransom by the Arab's years ago.

Still back to the OP. My thoughts on posting were nothing to do with oil, but more generfal and that the RBS says shit and run.

The reasons I might give are:

China - falling apart. Particularly look at 'shadow banking'

Baltic Dry. - Shipping. Before the last great economic crisis, Robert Peston predicted it was coming because it had observed that the Baltic Dry index had collapsed, i.e. the costs of shipping at fallen through the floor. Compare the Baltic Dry today --- there is very little shipping taking place in the world, and this is particuarly noticeable on the North Atlantic.

It will only take a bit more bad news before I seriously will take my money and 'stuff it in the matress'.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Sell everything! 2016 will be a 'cataclysmic year,' warns RBS - by River Song - 14 January 2016, 09:26

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