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In with the New Year
16 January 2016, 11:02,
RE: In with the New Year
Mary said
" I am very reliant on electricity because I run 3 freezers. This is a worry as a bit proportion of my stored food is frozen - particularly the fresh stuff we grow."

Mary I think you need to explore methods of QUICKLY preserving the contents of your feezer if TSHTF, Smoking, Dehydrating, Pickling, Salting, Boiling, Canning etc and have a plan for the family to tackle the freezer stocks in an organised way such as one person slicing all the meats into thin enough bits to dry out in the oven on trays, perhaps a food dehydrator from Lakeland, a few cheap bags of salt etc.


Messages In This Thread
In with the New Year - by MaryN - 15 January 2016, 20:53
RE: In with the New Year - by Lightspeed - 15 January 2016, 22:07
RE: In with the New Year - by Straight Shooter - 15 January 2016, 23:06
RE: In with the New Year - by Midnitemo - 16 January 2016, 10:29
RE: In with the New Year - by NorthernRaider - 16 January 2016, 10:58
RE: In with the New Year - by NorthernRaider - 16 January 2016, 11:02
RE: In with the New Year - by Straight Shooter - 16 January 2016, 12:36
RE: In with the New Year - by Sunna - 16 January 2016, 12:39
RE: In with the New Year - by Midnitemo - 16 January 2016, 13:22
RE: In with the New Year - by Midnitemo - 16 January 2016, 13:32

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