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Is there any reason to worry or panic here in the UK
17 January 2016, 18:48,
RE: Is there any reason to worry or panic here in the UK
The worlds economies are way to interlinked for the effects of any problems NOT to be felt here, 90% of the clothes and footwear we wear come from China, much of our electronics come from China and its satelites. One just has to look at things like the middle east when things go bad, suddenly 10,000,000 of Jeremys friends decide they want to enrich our lives by moving here and destabilising our societies, The lefties of the EU are dragging us to oblivion from the disastrrous EURO to the Open borders, to the unelected burocrats making our laws, we used to laugh at the europhiles stupidity over butter mountains and wine lakes, but today those same assholes are bankrupting us whilst taxing us to death whilst making it a far more dangerous place to live. The yanks are a danger to us because of their economic issues if they dont get compliance and suitable terms of trade from other countries they inevitably attack it directly or indirectly. Then coming close to home Jeremy and his chums want to build multi billion pound nuclear subs but not put any nuke warheads on the ICBMs, they want to allow sympathy strikes, flying pickets, closed shops and other idiocies most people thought died out in the 70s, the tories meanwhile keep pouring money into the pockets of their old school tie chums whilst doing nothing to stop the colonisation of the UK by middle easterners. I feel about as optimistic for my safety as a 12 year old German virgin stood outside Cologne railway station.


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RE: Is there any reason to worry or panic here in the UK - by NorthernRaider - 17 January 2016, 18:48

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