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On TV Wed BBc 9 PM Nuclear war scenario
31 January 2016, 12:28,
RE: On TV Wed BBc 9 PM Nuclear war scenario
Been chatting on E mail about the changing global perspective on the use of nuclear weapons and how because of modern missile guidance system advances the chance of nuclear exchanges has grown ( that's before we consider 3rd world countries building nukes).

It goes something like 1970 / 80 fire a missile at Moscow military regional command centre or Cheyanne Mountain and because of the very inaccurate guidance systems available at that time you need to lob 4 or 5 multi MEGA ton weapons to ensure the single target is destroyed. The bombs of that time needed to be GROUND burst devices big enough to destroy hardened underground bunkers even if the missile misses by a few miles. This causes HUGE amounts of FALLOUT which itself is a long term killer as it spreads downwind, Often back in the direction of the country that fired the missiles.

Come forward to 2016 and to destroy an underground military regional command centre in Moscow thanks to combined GPS and gyroscopic and other guidance systems etc you can fly your nuke (Cruise or ICBM)to within 20 feet or less of the target thus you only need KILOTON sized weapons and in many cases you can AIRBURST detonate it way above ground so you get almost no radioactive fallout.

Sadly the reduced size of nukes and the massive improved accuracy of said devices could INCREASE the risk of em being used. Then consider EMP devices meant to criple a countries infrastructure not destroy cities, and improvised Dirty bombs made by terror grounds or third world nations making their own devices in regional conflicts ( India V Pakistan , Saudi V Iran , Israel V Everyone, North V South Korea etc)


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RE: On TV Wed BBc 9 PM Nuclear war scenario - by NorthernRaider - 31 January 2016, 12:28

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