RE: New Knife recomendations
Continuing the knife thread I'm interested to know if any of you use different sharpening levels for blades. For instance my sheath knives are kept razor sharp, whereas my Khukri is paper cutting sharp, my hand Axe is also kept razor sharp, but my "Wood" Axe is not honed to such sharpness. The reason I ask is that I've learnt over the years that not every blade you posses has to be razor sharp, and that keeping the wrong edge profile can damage a blade. When I first bought my MKII Khukri it came with what I considered to be a poor edge profile, and a less than ideal sharpness. I re profiled the edge to a taper and honed it to lift hair, after all we all know that Khukris are supposed to be razor sharp aren't they? ----Big mistake!!
I use the Khukri to cut arrows out of trees when on those rare ocassions I miss--cough---cough. From a 60lb Mongol Bow they penetrate a couple of inches and I needed a sturdy blade. The first time I used the Khukri on such a task the blade edge became damaged and the very end of the tip broke off!! the edge was simply too fine to handle the work I was asking of it. I re-filed the tip and edge profile to paper cutting sharp and have had no problems since.