A take from an Urban prepper
A take from an Urban prepper
I had a very nice Skype chat with a chap from a large city about EDC and GHB gear for him and his daily routine, and what struck me was how much effort he puts into COMFORT and HYGIENE as well as SECURITY and SAFETY.
So generally he carries very similar stuff to most preppers, Knife, Multi Tool, Flashlight, Shades, notebook and pen etc, but its the extras I found fascinating. EG he places a lot of attention over staying healthy and free from unneccessary infections during his commute and day at work, so in his kit he has
Lots of sterile wipes
A spray of dettol disinfectant
Bottle of hand sanitizer soap
About five pairs of disposable gloves
Same again FFP3 Masks
Disposable toilet seat covers.
He does not use works cutlery or crockery and brings food from home rather than use canteen.
FAK + anti histamine tabs
Moisturing cream to counter drying out effects of hand sanitizer.
Much of the above comes in response after he read the same article I did about a New York University year long study of testing seats, hand rails and buttons on New York buses and subways which discovered all sorts of horrible bugs from Common cold, Infuenza, Faeces, Semen, Blood, Vomit, TB, traces of Cocaine and Heroin and other nasties and assumed UK public transport would be the same, (I agree)
Travel wise he has paper travel guides for buses, trams and trains, plus similar Apps on his phone with live bus tracking app from Arriva buses (I just downloaded it for my son)
And Apps from National rail Enquiries and Trainline.com
He has all the local radio stations in his Digital travel radio and the BBC travel on his I phone 6.
He used to cycle but after a colleague who used a 125Cc motorbike was killed and he fell off during icy weather and nearly got ran over by a car decided to use public transport though very reluctantly.
HIS Golden rule is NEVER enter a station or carriage if there is a group of teens already there.
Safety wise he dresses down and his gear is in a cheap non descript rucksack with a padded compartment for his laptop and gear. He keeps a telescopic walking pole, Generic flashlight, UK legal knife, Letherman Wave, Some Cash, Home Made ration bars, small water bottle, Butane powered soldering iron ??? gloves, beannie hat, All sorts of cables and adaptors for Laptop, printers, chargers, phones etc, A power Monkey charger / battery pack thing, Headphones for I phone, Street map of his city, Notebook full of hotel, taxi, and Veggie resteraunt numbers.
He uses Salomen and Merrell footwear, plain soft shell with no hood, BB cap, unbranded jeans or cargos only.
Thought his choices may assist other urban prepers