RE: Do you consider race and etnicity changes as a threat to you?
I don't see race or ethnicity as threats, but rather the failure to assimilate and accept American values, language and culture.
It usually takes a generation or so for things to sort out, but it usually does. The children of Vietnamese boat people who came here after the war have kept most of their culture, but serve in our military, own businesses, work in professions, run for public office and contribute greatly to our society. The same thing occurred the Irish, Italians, Eastern European Jews, Chinese, and every other ethnic group.
For the most part, the Muslim immigrants I have known came here to escape the kind of nonsense which comprises the stereotype. Yes, there are a few radicals, and they must be identified, and dealt with, the same as society dealt with organized crime among the Sicilian Mafia, the New York and South Boston Irish gangs, and we are now dealing with MS13 and narco-terrorists from Mexico.
While Islamic terrorism is a threat, the big difference is that police here are all armed, and are highly professional. You also have a great many armed civilians who are licensed to carry, many of them being military veterans, and even among those who are not ex-military or law enforcement, they are trained as a condition of licensure. While liberal city Democrat voting sheeple might stand idly by and watch their neighbour get his head cut off and patiently wait their turn, in most other places you will have a fight to the death and nobody plans to go quietly.
Yes, I do carry a spare magazine for my "Church Gun."
73 de KE4SKY
In "Almost Heaven" West Virginia