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8 Lessons That We Can Learn From The Epic Economic Meltdown In Venezuela
2 June 2016, 17:39,
RE: 8 Lessons That We Can Learn From The Epic Economic Meltdown In Venezuela
Ah Yes Venezuela the Socialist poster boy country under Hugo Chavez before he pegged out, My how the left wing trumpeted its success in managing its own economy after Chavez took control over the oil and nationalised it. " This is how socialists run a country" they announced triumphantly. Even British Labour MPS said we should adopt the Venezuelan economic plans. Mind you they were the same Labour MPs who said we should join the ERM, Adopt the EURO, Promised no more boom or bust (Just bust), that we should copy the Irish and Icelandic Celtic tiger economies in running the UK economy.

Personally as far as Europe and the UK are concerned, TBH I think we are FOOKED. NHS taking up ever more money each year, £140 billions but the service is getting worse year on year. Every penny taken in Income Tax goes straight back out on welfare. Greedy bastards in the City, Banks, Pensions and Senior Public Sector jobs are sucking ever more of peoples savings, investments, pensions and taxes to line their on filthy pockets with. The EU wants ever more and more each and every year but for little in return. Then we have MILLIONS of impoverished migrants from the middle east and Africa pouring into Europe all demanding health care, houses, money etc. We are heading to a very dark place.


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RE: 8 Lessons That We Can Learn From The Epic Economic Meltdown In Venezuela - by NorthernRaider - 2 June 2016, 17:39

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