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7 August 2016, 10:27,
RE: Eden
Hi, i'm watching Eden too. I also like 1000 years bc, both social experiments fascinate me.
Those that state there should be no discussion or meetings on what should be worked on next, are the ones that just cause trouble because they think that only their way is correct. None of us know it all and if a group survival is to be even a partial success, everyone needs to adapt to the new situation.
Some take longer than others as we can see, together with the lack of food and cold weather can push even the hardest people to the edge.
Women seem to do much better than men in all these situations, because the lower muscle mass can last much longer than a man with less food. Together with women generaly allowing their frustration and emotions to flow. A bottled up male always explodes or implodes with disaterous results.
I try to learn from these shows, and I think its a great way to understand a live group dynamics at work.
It seems that the hardest part of survival in a group is to learn to adapt to the new dynamics, and accept that everyone else is also in the same boat.

Messages In This Thread
Eden - by MaryN - 3 August 2016, 13:48
RE: Eden - by harrypalmer - 3 August 2016, 18:06
RE: Eden - by T-oddity - 3 August 2016, 19:10
RE: Eden - by T-oddity - 3 August 2016, 19:14
RE: Eden - by bigpaul - 6 August 2016, 17:07
RE: Eden - by harrypalmer - 6 August 2016, 19:30
RE: Eden - by bigpaul - 7 August 2016, 16:00
RE: Eden - by Ali - 7 August 2016, 10:27
RE: Eden - by bigpaul - 7 August 2016, 17:28
RE: Eden - by harrypalmer - 7 August 2016, 18:24
RE: Eden - by Mistwatch - 7 August 2016, 18:50
RE: Eden - by bigpaul - 9 August 2016, 17:23
RE: Eden - by harrypalmer - 9 August 2016, 17:32
RE: Eden - by bigpaul - 9 August 2016, 17:39
RE: Eden - by Ali - 10 August 2016, 08:59
RE: Eden - by harrypalmer - 10 August 2016, 09:51
RE: Eden - by harrypalmer - 15 August 2016, 16:52

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