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UN Plans for the New World Urban Utopia by 2050
29 September 2016, 15:14,
RE: UN Plans for the New World Urban Utopia by 2050
OK, Harry, here's the BBC version:

How about The Globe and Mail:

Or The New York Times:

Or The Guardian:

Maybe The Telegraph:

Or the ever-popular CNN:

And I could go on and on and on and on, but I think I'll just puke now.

Barneyboy and Harry, denial is NOT a river in Egypt, and the truth is sometimes unpleasant... but it's still the truth. Welcome to reality. When the UN "peace keepers" show up in your town, you can't say you weren't warned.

You can PM your apologies to me now...
If at first you don't secede, try, try again!

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RE: UN Plans for the New World Urban Utopia by 2050 - by Jonas - 29 September 2016, 15:14

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