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Russian Threat etc as of 9Oct16
9 October 2016, 16:33,
RE: Russian Threat etc as of 9Oct16
Alex Jones is a truly certifiable whacko.

His daily four-hour show airs on more than 60 AM and FM radio stations, according to, one of his two websites. It’s syndicated by Genesis Communications, a radio network founded in 1998 by Midas Resources, a vendor of gold and silver coins. The show draws 2 million listeners per week, according to a 2010 Texas Monthly profile. and, his other site, attract a monthly unique audience of 4 million. Jones also has a YouTube channel with 350,000 subscribers, which has received more than 260 million views. He’s produced around 25 documentaries, depending how you count them, including “Loose Change,” the most famous of the films alleging that the Sept. 11 attacks were an inside job by the U.S. government.

Altogether, Jones was taking in revenues of about $1.5 million per year in 2010, enough to support a staff of 15 and enable him to buy an $800,000 house and 7,600 square foot studio.

He’s never met a conspiracy theory he didn’t like. Jones believes that a pan-global cabal of the super-rich, with its origins in a century-old cult called the Illuminati, is conspiring to exterminate most of the world’s population and enslave the rest. Among the tools of this so-called New World Order: mind control, water fluoridation, the global warming “hoax,” eugenics, the World Bank and the IMF, flu vaccines, FEMA, the Gates Foundation and psyscho-active drugs, both legal and illegal.

He believes the recent mass shootings in Aurora, Colorado, and Tucson, Arizona, were the work of perpetrators who’d been programmed by the government as part of a plot to deprive Americans of their guns. He believes Sen. Paul Wellstone was killed by a microwave gun and dead before his plane crashed. He believes the federal government engineered the Oklahoma City bombing as a coded reminder of the way it had crushed the Branch Davidians in Waco a year earlier.

Some of his theories are patently unfalsifiable — any proof of their falsity is just part of the cover-up — but some aren’t. On his show Tuesday, he claimed Piers Morgan must have been a government operative in order to know the mechanics of hacking mobile phones. In fact, no special knowledge was required to hack cell phones; Morgan’s tabloid colleagues simply relied on the fact that most phone owners never bothered to change the default pass codes. The phone companies have since fixed the problem.

For a dude who believes virtually every powerful institution is a tool of an evil conspiracy, he’s surprisingly keen on Hollywood. “The globalists want us turned toward Hollywood and the TV so they can poison us,” he told Rolling Stone in 2001. Yet he loves to quote movies, especially science fiction movies like “Star Wars,” “The Matrix,” “Star Trek,” “Starship Troopers” and “Dune.”

He’s friendly with filmmaker and fellow Austinite Richard Linklater, who has put him into two of his movies, and Megadeth frontman Dave Mustaine, who named an album after one of Jones’s films. His love of heavy metal music is especially curious given that genre’s long association (mostly in the form of urban myths) with Satanism and subliminal mind control. (Jones famously tried to catch global elites performing what he believed to be Satanic rituals at Bohemian Grove.)

Speaking of his famous friends, he’s pals with Charlie Sheen and helped to get him fired from “Two and a Half Men.” It was on Jones’s show that Sheen laced into the CBS sitcom’s creator, Chuck Lorre, in a way that was widely perceived as anti-Semitic. For the record, Jones himself has long taken pains to distance himself from overt anti-Semitism or racism of any kind.

Some of his enemies aren’t who you’d think they’d be, either. He especially hates Rush Limbaugh, whom he calls a “whore,” and Glenn Beck, whom he accuses of stealing his theories and presenting them as his own, yet only after twisting them in a way that lets big business and the Republican Party largely off the hook.

73 de KE4SKY
"Almost Heaven" West Virginia

Messages In This Thread
Russian Threat etc as of 9Oct16 - by River Song - 9 October 2016, 07:46
RE: Russian Threat etc as of 9Oct16 - by Ali - 9 October 2016, 10:37
RE: Russian Threat etc as of 9Oct16 - by Ali - 9 October 2016, 11:42
RE: Russian Threat etc as of 9Oct16 - by River Song - 9 October 2016, 11:57
RE: Russian Threat etc as of 9Oct16 - by Barneyboy - 9 October 2016, 16:16
RE: Russian Threat etc as of 9Oct16 - by CharlesHarris - 9 October 2016, 16:33
RE: Russian Threat etc as of 9Oct16 - by MaryN - 9 October 2016, 16:58
RE: Russian Threat etc as of 9Oct16 - by Barneyboy - 9 October 2016, 20:13
RE: Russian Threat etc as of 9Oct16 - by Mortblanc - 10 October 2016, 01:09
RE: Russian Threat etc as of 9Oct16 - by River Song - 10 October 2016, 11:21
RE: Russian Threat etc as of 9Oct16 - by MaryN - 10 October 2016, 19:04
RE: Russian Threat etc as of 9Oct16 - by Mortblanc - 10 October 2016, 18:33
RE: Russian Threat etc as of 9Oct16 - by Ali - 11 October 2016, 10:47
RE: Russian Threat etc as of 9Oct16 - by Barneyboy - 11 October 2016, 14:55
RE: Russian Threat etc as of 9Oct16 - by River Song - 11 October 2016, 18:16
RE: Russian Threat etc as of 9Oct16 - by Ali - 11 October 2016, 19:07
RE: Russian Threat etc as of 9Oct16 - by Barneyboy - 11 October 2016, 19:43
RE: Russian Threat etc as of 9Oct16 - by Mortblanc - 11 October 2016, 20:47
RE: Russian Threat etc as of 9Oct16 - by Mortblanc - 12 October 2016, 05:39
RE: Russian Threat etc as of 9Oct16 - by Barneyboy - 12 October 2016, 08:43
RE: Russian Threat etc as of 9Oct16 - by MaryN - 12 October 2016, 18:56
RE: Russian Threat etc as of 9Oct16 - by Mortblanc - 12 October 2016, 22:13
RE: Russian Threat etc as of 9Oct16 - by River Song - 13 October 2016, 00:47
RE: Russian Threat etc as of 9Oct16 - by River Song - 13 October 2016, 00:48
RE: Russian Threat etc as of 9Oct16 - by Ali - 13 October 2016, 09:18
RE: Russian Threat etc as of 9Oct16 - by River Song - 13 October 2016, 11:02
RE: Russian Threat etc as of 9Oct16 - by River Song - 13 October 2016, 10:57
RE: Russian Threat etc as of 9Oct16 - by harrypalmer - 13 October 2016, 15:29
RE: Russian Threat etc as of 9Oct16 - by Ali - 13 October 2016, 21:42
RE: Russian Threat etc as of 9Oct16 - by River Song - 13 October 2016, 22:47
RE: Russian Threat etc as of 9Oct16 - by Ali - 13 October 2016, 23:00
RE: Russian Threat etc as of 9Oct16 - by Mortblanc - 13 October 2016, 23:26
RE: Russian Threat etc as of 9Oct16 - by River Song - 14 October 2016, 12:03
RE: Russian Threat etc as of 9Oct16 - by River Song - 14 October 2016, 19:55
RE: Russian Threat etc as of 9Oct16 - by harrypalmer - 14 October 2016, 19:59
RE: Russian Threat etc as of 9Oct16 - by Midnitemo - 14 October 2016, 21:29
RE: Russian Threat etc as of 9Oct16 - by River Song - 14 October 2016, 23:05
RE: Russian Threat etc as of 9Oct16 - by River Song - 14 October 2016, 23:11
RE: Russian Threat etc as of 9Oct16 - by River Song - 14 October 2016, 23:20

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