RE: Berlin attack: Lorry ploughs into crowd of shoppers
Now, in this day and age, the overall attitude of a group is of no consequence.
All it takes is ONE person and a stolen vehicle!
No bombs, no guns, no hijacked planes, just one guy and a heavy truck he does not even own.
I think the terrorists are actually sitting back and thinking about the UK situation based on history.
Historically you folks have absorbed countless attacks with little response. Your people are blown up and killed over the years at an alarming rate and you just post pictures in the news and go on with business ignoring the deaths with the attitude that "I am not letting these bullies get the best of ME, I will go about life as usually and show them they have not won". Then TPTB finally sit down and negotiate a "peace" that gives the aggressors what they want and call it a victory for the civilized man.
Radical Islam is not all that worried about the situation in the UK. They have it under control.
Every person should view freedom of speech as an essential right.
Without it you can not tell who the idiots are.