RE: Walkers Scottish Oat Cakes?
Good morning Charles.
Indeed oatcakes are good high energy, slow burn nutrition.
Walkers stuff is usually good quality although I have no specific experience of their oatcakes.
Why not make your own?
Here's a recipe from the BBC food website:
Preparation time less than 30 mins
Cooking time less than 10 mins
Serves 4-6
110g/4oz medium oatmeal, plus more for dusting
110g/4oz plain flour
55g/2oz lard, dripping or poultry fat
1 level tsp salt
cold water
For the glaze
1 egg
1 tbsp milk
1 tsp sugar
1.Mix the oatmeal and flour in a bowl. Rub in the fat, add the salt and mix in just enough cold to form a soft but not tacky dough.
2.Roll out the dough on an oatmeal-strewn board. Cut out circles with a scone cutter. Alternatively, cut out a dinner-plate round, and quarter it.
3.Mix together the egg, milk and sugar to form a glaze.
4.Cook the oatcakes on an ungreased medium-hot griddle, without turning them. The moment the first batch are in place, brush them over with glaze - it will turn to a shiny coating as they cook.
5.When fully cooked, remove. Store in an airtight box.
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