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.380 Mk2z
1 February 2017, 02:53,
RE: .380 Mk2z
I doubt that two different rounds with the same performance charismatics, fired from two different but similar pistols, will show much difference in behavior on target.

I had a 200 grain .357 bullet mold and worked with it for several years but never felt I was getting any superior performance over the standard 150-158 grain loads. The only real difference I noticed was the 200 grain bullet did not have the same point of impact on target as my standard loads.

I have not been able to improve on the performance of my standard cast 158 grain SWC at 850 FPS.

You can go to a lighter bullet and increase velocity, go to a heavier bullet and decrease velocity, but performance will be about equal no matter what you do.

There is no magic .38 cartridge. They have been trying to invent one for 120 years. The British tried to improve on the load. So have the American manufacturers. They made +P, +P+, +P++...all in vain. They still have not elevated the performance of the .38 special or the .38 S&W to fill the gap between any of the common .38 cartridges and the ,357 magnum without exceeding the pressure standards that limit the .38 loads.

So now we have guns made for the standard ,38 and another class made for the +P loadings, then the firearms made for the .357 magnum.

Personally, I prefer to make all my reloads to a standard level of performance and reach for the .357, or something bigger, if I need heavier firepower.
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Messages In This Thread
.380 Mk2z - by CharlesHarris - 31 January 2017, 04:50
RE: .380 Mk2z - by Mortblanc - 31 January 2017, 19:11
RE: .380 Mk2z - by CharlesHarris - 31 January 2017, 21:58
RE: .380 Mk2z - by Mortblanc - 1 February 2017, 02:53
RE: .380 Mk2z - by Midnitemo - 1 February 2017, 13:55
RE: .380 Mk2z - by Mortblanc - 2 February 2017, 18:58
RE: .380 Mk2z - by CharlesHarris - 3 February 2017, 02:35
RE: .380 Mk2z - by Mortblanc - 3 February 2017, 20:06
RE: .380 Mk2z - by CharlesHarris - 4 February 2017, 00:45
RE: .380 Mk2z - by Mortblanc - 4 February 2017, 20:14

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