(7 April 2017, 16:19)CharlesHarris Wrote: Iran is the real threat. Not ISIS, Iran. It's playing out in real time.
ISIS is a threat, but not existential in the way Iran is. ISIS will kill westerners in small groups and subvert our culture.
Iran has a proud history of destroying western nations and seeks to revive that glory by eradicating the west; as a nation they will soon have the ability to do so in more than one way. Nuclear blackmail is obvious. Less obvious is choking off energy flows to bankrupt the west, coupled with subversion in the UN and national politics of the west. There is much more detail for both, with many branch plans available to them.
There is no unity in Islam - their talk of an "ummah" is bullshit. There are 2 main groups - Sunni and Shia - who have been killing each other for centuries, but each of these groups, particularly Sunni Islam, is split into many other groups. One of these other groups is Ahmadiyya Islam, who in the UK regularly do peace marches and protest against ISIS - other Sunni Muslims hate them and they are constantly under threat of violence and death - the shopkeeper murdered in Glasgow for wishing his neighbours Happy Easter was an Ahmadiyya. I mention this small group because I have always found them to be wonderful people devoid of any trait or leaning that is incompatible with Western culture.
ISIS, Saudi, Al Qaeda - they're all Salafists (more or less synonymous with the term Wahhabis), a sub group of Sunni Islam that accounts for about 15% of all Muslims (1.5b x 15% = 225million). The most important part of their beliefs after the Pillars of Islam is "al wara wal bara", which translates as "love who allah loves, hate who allah hates". Muslims everywhere are being taught, funded by Saudi Arabian oil money, that it is their religious duty to hate who allah hates - who is everyone except Salafists. This phrase is absolutely not about hating the sin not the sinner, it is very specific about hating the sinner. This is the overriding reason why Islamic terrorism is so ugly and prevalent - Salafists believe that allah has commanded them to hate the non-believer, with all that entails for encouraging the worst violence. Not all Salafists are violent, but all Nazis didn't personally kill a Jew either. Salafism disgusts me, and the mounting horror I felt when I first discovered their creed (posing as a young muslim on a salafist forum several years ago) is still with me.
The Taliban, by the way, are Deobandi, another Sunni sub-group. They have the same abhorrant views about women and the West, but don't believe hatred to be a key part of being a Muslims from what I can see. They have deep views of hospitality, which is why they sheltered Osama bin Laden (a Salafist) from the US even though Salafists and Deobandis were/are hostile to each other. Then the US screwed up by making the Deobandis their enemies by bombing the Taliban to get Osama back, rather than working their way through the intricasies of that region's hospitality customs by diplomacy.
My point is, I disagree that Shia Islam (Iran) is the real threat. They are very much a threat to Israel through their patronage of Hezbollah, but even so a huge number of Iranians are Western in their outlook and desperate to rejoin civilisation. Like all Muslim nations there are secularists desperate to throw off the yoke of their stifling religion, but they are losing the battle, notably in Turkey and in other places where the Arab Spring died a death. In Iran I think though there may be light at the end of the tunnel. I'd also say that Shia Muslims in Western countries are almost all very secular, possibly because they're in our countries because they've been chased out of Muslim countries for being too secular (conjecture).
The real threat imho is Salafism, the religion of hatred. It is a cancer at the heart of Sunni Islam. Once Muslims adhere to their creed, that it is their duty to hate, it's a short step to acts of terror.
I could go on and on but I won't. Sorry that was so long, but it was pertinent to the reasons survivalism and prepping are important to me, and to this thread.