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Storing tins in a damp environment
29 April 2017, 10:11,
RE: Storing tins in a damp environment
I store perishable goods in the house. Items like books, electronic devices and other things I don't want major temperature fluctuations in. I tried all sorts to store tins in my shed and they all started to rust eventually. Moisture in the air froze an then started spots when it defrosted. I found that tins coated in a paint lastd well but took too long to do and if you lost your list you got surprise for lunch. I now store mine in sealable blue tubs and but a handful of rice in the bottom to obsorb any moisture in the air. It has the added benefit of attracting asians who maintain any electronic components stored in there as well. Smile
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin

Messages In This Thread
Storing tins in a damp environment - by Geordie_Rob - 14 October 2013, 23:52
RE: Storing tins in a damp environment - by bigpaul - 15 October 2013, 11:59
RE: Storing tins in a damp environment - by bigpaul - 20 October 2013, 13:57
RE: Storing tins in a damp environment - by Tibbs735 - 20 October 2013, 14:13
RE: Storing tins in a damp environment - by I-K-E - 31 October 2013, 09:35
RE: Storing tins in a damp environment - by Skean Dhude - 29 April 2017, 10:11

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