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My poor, sweet, ugly, shocking, beautiful interwebs
18 November 2012, 14:05,
My poor, sweet, ugly, shocking, beautiful interwebs
I often imagine the circumstances in which I’ll tell my future grandchildren the story of the internet. Chances are, it will still be around, but in a far different form than the internet I knew and loved.

You see, the internet they know will be a completely traceable place where you will be held accountable for everything you do, everything you say, everything you show and even everything you look at. People will go to prison for saying or doing things on the internet that would actually be LEGAL in real life. Anonymity will simply be a distant, ideological dream.
How do we know this to be the case? Because it’s already happening. People are regularly being arrested for things they say on twitter or facebook – even things that would barely classify as a crime in the real world like insults, jokes and symbols of protest. A man has just been arrested for showing a video of a burning poppy on facebook, and while clearly offensive and in bad taste, anybody who believes this deserves an arrest is an enemy of free speech – but things are about to get a lot worse. The director of public prosecutions is about to issue guidelines on when criminal charges should be brought due to actions on twitter or facebook , and it’s barely even making the news. A senior government official recently sparked anger by stating the obvious – that people should use false information whenever they are asked to input sensitive details into websites they don’t know or trust. He was attacked left, right and center for this comment, and it shows the sad direction in which the internet is heading. The government wants every communication on the internet to be transparent and instantly traceable. Social networks are already forcing people to use phone and address verification to verify they are who they say they are. The decline has begun, and soon the internet will be nothing more than a branch of the media, a place where you’re spoonfed your information, and you don’t get to choose the flavour.

In such a world, how could I ever begin to explain the beauty of the internet I knew? The place where you knew you entered at your own risk, where the rules of real life were bendable, and where free speech and anonymity were considered it’s raison d’etre. It was the wild west of communication. A place where you could be anyone, see anything, broach taboo subjects in as much depth as you could possibly desire, with an unlimited number of other people and all with whatever level of anonymity YOU deemed necessary. You could see reality through other people’s eyes, you could see and experience the best and worst of human nature. Those who were weak, were bullied. Those who were too stupid to embrace their anonymity, who thought the same rules applied as in real life may have fallen victim to predators, be they emotional, physical or financial. It was a living case study in Darwinian theory as it applies to human psychology. So it’s strange that in a place where deception was so rife, that nothing else has or will ever feel so honest.

The internet was an ugly place, and it never tried to hide the fact. Of course it was ugly – it was essentially the collective human conscious. It was the thoughts and passions, hobbies and interests, the joys of victories and the achings of defeats. You could ride the rollercoaster of another person’s life without them ever knowing you exist. But it was also the anger, the hatred - and if you ventured into the wrong parts - the evil man is capable of thinking and doing.

To someone who wasn’t there, this might sound like a horrific place. This place where you could accidentally stumble onto pictures of executions, mangled animals or paraplegic porn with equal likelihood may seem scary, but it’s the price you had to pay to go further down the rabbit hole. We never complained. And refreshingly, there would’ve been nobody to complain to anyway. You took the risk, and as the meme goes, “what has been seen, cannot be unseen”.

What no amount of words could ever truly express though, is the beauty of having the world at your fingertips in a completely uncensored fashion. It was completely uncensored because nobody had the fear of what would happen if they didn’t self-censor. Your mind was free to wander in whatever direction it pleased, and your mind could be stimulated by fresh, relevant and real information no matter which path it decided to take. It was a place where you could find your little niche in the world. It didn’t matter if you were an anorexic, suicidal goth with an unbridled passion for beanie babies and a fetish for rape porn, you could still find a little slice of the internet that felt like home.

In truth, I know I never will be able to explain this to my grandchildren in a way that they will genuinely understand. The internet will be far too different and censored then to ever really grasp what it was like when the internet was free. It’s already too far gone now.
Those of us who remember treat it with reverence. It was not so long ago and yet now it feels so distant. My poor, sweet, ugly, shocking, beautiful interwebs. Gone but never forgotten. The brave last bastion of free speech. Rest In Peace.

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My poor, sweet, ugly, shocking, beautiful interwebs - by HunterNurturer - 18 November 2012, 14:05

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