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Scenario 13 The Patrol
20 December 2011, 11:53,
Scenario 13 The Patrol
Scenario 13
The Patrol

Bagman decided that it was time his small group of preppers got to check out the neighbourhood now they had laid low here for over a week. They had settled into the small holding in North York’s and had deliberately kept as low a profile as possible. But needs must and Bagman wanted to find out what collectables and salvageable supplies could be retrieved from the near by market town but first he had to secure the area around Dales House where the group were staying.

For the first patrol Bagman wanted his most effective group members along so his first choice was to pick Mad Mike (no relation to Mike Hoare) and make him 2nd in charge for the sweep.

Next in the team was Mart a quiet low profile character who just exuded quiet professionalism, the fourth member was Terry because of his very great experience with first aid and expedient medical treatment. Bagman needed people who he could rely an and because this group had only been together a few months his only sources of reference about his teams capabilities was the quality of their own Bug Out Bags, Vehicles and plans plus their reputations gained from interacting with them on prepping forums.

For this first patrol Bagman managed to assemble 4 compasses, one each, 2 Ordnance Survey Maps 1:50,000 scale of the area they were in. A comprehensive first aid kit provided by Terry to deal with any injuries sustained during this first vital patrol.

Next was food which was basic but filling, a mixture of MOD ration packs, pot noodles and preserves that one of the families had brought with them from home and was donated to the patrol.

Inter patrol comm’s were restricted to talking and very basic hand signals but comm’s from the patrol back to the group were by two modified Intek MT 5050 PR446 radios one held by Bagman and one retained by the group. Should the patrol meet serious trouble they could in theory at least send a warning back to the rest of the group that may provide them enough time to bug out.

Security for the patrol was minimal at least and relied mainly on two 150 pound draw crossbows and two 80 pound draw pistol crossbows with a single air rifle (silenced) being taken along in the hope the patrol may come across rabbits or pigeons.

Bagman gave his little team a short briefing session “ Right guys we are going out ONLY to gather information, we are not looking for contact or conflict, if there is any contact with others its OBSERVE then WITHDRAW any questions? No good.
Next we are not soldiers nor are we trying to be, but the more proficient we are the better the chances are of us getting back safe, We will use a very few basic hand signals to help keep chatter down.
1 if I raise my arm we STOP
2 if I put my arm out horizontal palm down that means get down and take cover.
3 If I put both my arms out sideways that means move into line abreast
4 An arm out to the right means move towards the right and vice versa.

All times are using the 24 hour clock not the 12 hour clock, and as we patrol at suitable check points I will designate that spot as a meeting place if we have to scatter further ahead, so if there is trouble you will try to return to the check point as quietly as possibly. NO one will return DIRECTLY to Dales House as you may just lead trouble straight back to our families.

You MAY load your crossbows when we have left Dales house NOT BEFORE, and your safety catches will be on at all times. Never allow your bow to point at anyone else in the group, and if I see anyone with their finger on the trigger when we are not in danger I will cut it off, ARE WE CLEAR? “

Right Gentleman we leave in one hour don’t forget to check and double check your kit, put your pack on and jump up and down on the spot, if anything rattles repack your bag until it doesn’t, also ensure your not showing anything shiny or reflective.

The radios are set to channel 9 if there is a problem use channel 18 today the base will be “Babylon” and we will be “Triffid”.

And only running 15 minutes late the group finally set out on its first patrol. Bagman was reasonably confident that nothing bad was close to Dales house so to give the guys a bit of practice he put Mart out on point first (also Mart had eyes like a yard toilet rat). After about 40 minutes he rotated the others as point to give them experience and this was matched by moving the point man to the left wing, then point guard ( the guy looking backwards to see if anyone was following) before moving them back to point via the right wing. That way everyone got an idea of what each others role was.

By late afternoon they were heading west uphill paralleling a footpath that headed up towards a cluster of buildings near a reservoir. Bagman had already explained to the team at the last break that in no circumstances were they to SKYLINE themselves, IE Silhouette themselves on a hill top or ridgeline, they must seek ways round, through or under anything that could let people spot them if they move over something like a dry stone wall etc.

Mike was in point and his hand went up to stop the group and immediately went flat palm down and the group went to ground, Mike wriggled back to Bagman and said “Pretty sure I just saw a reflection from that tree with the kids tree house in it, will you take a look?”

Bagman moved forward on his belly and pulled himself under a cluster of shrubs to a point he could take a good look at the tree-house and buildings. He studied the area of interest intently for nearly 10 minutes and in that time he also detected a glint of sunlight reflecting from deep within the tree-house, he also noted just the faintest whiff of almost white smoke from one of the cottages chimneys. Someone was burning very well dried wood and that made Bagman focus on the multiple piles of timber in the yard. At first the wood piles appeared as just well “woodpiles” Then he noted the land operated hydraulic log splitter, its wedge head was shiny and rust free which meant it had been used recently. Then it dawned on Bagman that not only was the multiple piles of wood a good sized stockpile, but also EXACTLY where he would have positioned them if he wanted to make good firing points from. That was enough for Bagman and he withdrew from his vantage point. The patrol then withdrew silently to the last check point they had agreed on and bagman told his team what he had seen.

“So we know there are people living there, and they are wise enough to keep a sentry hidden in the tree house and in good military fashion the sentry is staying well inside the tree-house not to highlight himself. If the sun had not been right behind us his binos would not have reflected the sunlight giving him away. Even so we don’t know their numbers or how skilled they are OR if they are friendly so we will now withdraw but with two of us on point guard watching to see if we are being followed, and we will also go home by an indirect route, have you any questions?.”

“OK Mart &Terry I want you two watching behind us, Mike and I will take point, we will stop at irregular intervals crouch and listen, if we are being followed we may hear them rather than see them and we can take avoiding action.”

With that the group finished its first patrol and with aching feet, aching backs and a feeling of achievement the group’s first patrol wound its way back to Dale house.


Messages In This Thread
Scenario 13 The Patrol - by NorthernRaider - 20 December 2011, 11:53
RE: Scenario 13 The Patrol - by Skean Dhude - 20 December 2011, 15:27
RE: Scenario 13 The Patrol - by NorthernRaider - 20 December 2011, 15:28
RE: Scenario 13 The Patrol - by preservefreak - 20 December 2011, 18:55
RE: Scenario 13 The Patrol - by NorthernRaider - 20 December 2011, 19:37
RE: Scenario 13 The Patrol - by Kenneth Eames - 25 December 2011, 14:53
RE: Scenario 13 The Patrol - by 00111001 - 6 January 2012, 15:08
RE: Scenario 13 The Patrol - by Preacher - 24 February 2012, 18:00
RE: Scenario 13 The Patrol - by mikebratcher69 - 25 February 2012, 12:07

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