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The sheeple are panicking already over fuel
29 March 2012, 17:14, (This post was last modified: 29 March 2012, 17:25 by NorthernRaider.)
RE: The sheeple are panicking already over fuel
Keep a cache of treated and stabilised fuel at home ( safely of course in purpose designed containers in a well ventilated structure away from the house.
Please look at this article and photos of panic stricken sheeple causing so much chaos that in Dorsetshire the police had to be called to control traffic and they were forced to close fuel stations..

These sad pathetic creatures utterly disgust me, because when things are normal they condemn and ridicule preppers, but as soon as thing look back they start panic buying and stockpiling like the end of the world was coming.

This is why we need our caches and preps so we are not affected by the instinct and panic driven sheeple.

29 March 2012, 17:37,
RE: The sheeple are panicking already over fuel
(29 March 2012, 17:14)NorthernRaider Wrote: Keep a cache of treated and stabilised fuel at home ( safely of course in purpose designed containers in a well ventilated structure away from the house.
Please look at this article and photos of panic stricken sheeple causing so much chaos that in Dorsetshire the police had to be called to control traffic and they were forced to close fuel stations..

These sad pathetic creatures utterly disgust me, because when things are normal they condemn and ridicule preppers, but as soon as thing look back they start panic buying and stockpiling like the end of the world was coming.

This is why we need our caches and preps so we are not affected by the instinct and panic driven sheeple.
probably wont be able to get cans filled now after all the current malarky, dont know when our local garage will get its next delivery, am going into our nearby (20mile round trip) large town tomorrow for some top up supplies after my illness, will see what petrol stocks and queues are like there, the stupid thing is no strike will begin before Monday week so i dont know what everyone is panicking for! i have enough plastic(10litre) cans to store 30 litres+ which is enough for a half fill, OH is ok with that( but see my previous post about Insurance) will then have to rotate it when things calm down.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
29 March 2012, 18:09,
RE: The sheeple are panicking already over fuel
Wow, the media have really whipped people into a made panic!

If there's any luck people will have worked the mania put of there systems in time for the strike and the effect will be minimalised due to the lack of panic buying after the strike happens. I doubt it but you never know. Still, hopefully one or two new preppers will be born out of all this
Do not rush to meet Death, he may not wish to see you.
29 March 2012, 18:35,
RE: The sheeple are panicking already over fuel
(29 March 2012, 17:14)NorthernRaider Wrote: These sad pathetic creatures utterly disgust me,

I couldn't agree more.
I watched a guy buy the last metal Jerry can today in Halfords and then he had to ask the cashier how to open it, then he asked 'Where do I screw the hose? The cashier replied 'You dont screw a hose into the can sir you use a funnel'
'How do I attach that? he asked
AAArrrrggghhhh!!! I felt like caving the back of his skull in with my adjustable spanner.
It goes to prove that WTSHTF these sheeple will die off very very quickly, because even when they have the equipment they don't know how to use it. Angry Angry Angry
There's no Justice, There's Just Us.

29 March 2012, 18:54,
RE: The sheeple are panicking already over fuel
thats one of the reasons i dont like jerry cans, you need 3 hands to be able to use them, also they are too heavy to lift especially when you've got a bad back, and i dont like all that splashing business so i prefer a plastic container with a screw on spout- but thats just me.Tongue mind you if someone was really going to store loads of the stuff, i think a better option is a metal tank like you see on farms or a plastic tank similar to that which people use for heating oil.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
29 March 2012, 18:57,
RE: The sheeple are panicking already over fuel
He'll probably store it in the garage next to his BBQ brickettes, white spirit and camping gas!
There's no Justice, There's Just Us.

29 March 2012, 19:20, (This post was last modified: 29 March 2012, 19:23 by NorthernRaider.)
RE: The sheeple are panicking already over fuel
I store mine in jerry cans, but when I want to use it I dont bother with a spout, if I can find it in my garage I have a little lever cranked hand operated fuel pump, I just uuse that to pump the fuel straight into the van. If I cant find it I just pour the jerry can into a metal watering can with a piece of fuel hose attached to the spout to pour the diesel into the van, much easier than hefting a full can of fuel.
its a bit like one of these transfer pump

29 March 2012, 19:27,
RE: The sheeple are panicking already over fuel
No problems round here yet, I do have a full tank though, will fill the Jerrycans next week
29 March 2012, 20:35,
RE: The sheeple are panicking already over fuel
Shortly after Christmas I decided that a half full tank was an empty tank and that's how I now roll. When the needle hits the half way point I top up! Shimple. I don't need them loonatics that pull the strings to tell me that.
Having said that, my old vw camper has been sat there now for weeks and weeks bone dry so (got paid today) I decided to fill her up as we plan to go off and sleep in the woods this Easter. Qued for about 5 mins, put £67 in the greedy bar steward, went to pay and the dick head serving had the Gaul to insinuate that I'd put too much in and to his till partner said "we should put a £10 max purchase sign up" Now that kid had sence.
You have to get up early to catch a fox.
29 March 2012, 20:50,
RE: The sheeple are panicking already over fuel
It is the wise prepper who has half a tank of fuel too much, than be half a tank of fuel short to your destination.


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