23 October 2012, 21:52,
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RE: Stupid Government!!!
The way things are at the moment is pants,hope you can get everything sorted.
23 October 2012, 21:57,
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RE: Stupid Government!!!
Thanks metroyeti, I'm sure it will work out, I just needed to vent a bit, I hope everything goes well at college for you
23 October 2012, 22:04,
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RE: Stupid Government!!!
(23 October 2012, 19:18)Madgirl151 Wrote: Hi
Im sorry in advance for the rant but im just so bummed right now, I have worked as a civil servant for nearly 4 years and have a disability which means i cant drive very far and when i put in a transfer originally my boss (who was a proper cow) did everything she could to ensure that i didnt get it whilst they were actually moving internally and by the time i got moved onto a different section in the same building, and my transfer was approved, internal transfers were just not happening. so i applied to uni and was accepted though if my transfer had gone through i would have returned to work and so when they said that my case was being sent to the dms ie being fired for being off sick, i thought well thats the choice made and started uni. financially it would have been a struggle but at least i knew where i stood!!!
Then i got a fone call after my 2nd week at uni saying they were not sending my case to the dms and were in fact getting my transfer pushed through but my pay again isnt sorted cos every department gives different info depending on who is spoken to and when i had a look at my payslip to see how much our payrise (and i use the term very loosely) was, especially when you consider how much everything has gone up, iv found that my pay went up 9p an hour which is only actually £14.48ish a month, i have since been told that we got a 1% payrise, i bet the pm and all the other top knobs got way more than that!!!!
You applied for the job in the first place. While I am all for helping people in the workplace, if it is not helpful to the business to do so, it should not be done.
If you are in such a dire financial situation, doing a course at uni taking three or four years is not going to help your situation in the short term. What were you going to study. Was it a job that would lead to a professional qualification such as medical, legal, engineering, teaching, social work? Are their jobs you could reasonably drive to in your area in that field?
With regards to your pay, you will be on X grade and Y band within it. All I could expect they would muck up would be:
1. If you have been off sick for a period of time and your pay has gone down and not gone back up. This would be down to your manager not doing return to work paperwork.
2. You have changed the hours you work - you would have been working less hours and have gone up to more as a £14.48 pay rise a month or 9p / hour means 160 hours a month worked, surprised, I thought most govt employees were on 37.5 hr/wk contracts.
So what was not sorted?
With regards to your pay rise, having a pay rise in the civil service I am going to assume you are a low grade, as those are the only ones I believe are getting a cost of living rise each year - those on the very lowest wages.
The Prime Minister and the cabinet along with other government ministers have not had a pay rise since general election. I think they voted against it, so, no, the PM and 'other top nobs' are not getting more than that. Maybe some union rep or other socialist put this thought into your head. Surely you, as some one undertaking a university education would not have made this up without reference or source?
(23 October 2012, 19:18)Madgirl151 Wrote: What makes all this worse is that due to an error my old boss made, i got into financial difficulties and am now in way more debt than i should have been and now just feel like im just never gonna have enough to put away for my kids. i have to rob peter AND paul just to put food on the table for my kids most weeks, iv got some food put away and im trying to get other things but i have to do without stuff all the time in order to do so and the only time i get new clothes etc is from my mam and even then they are always on special or second hand, never full price.....
Sorry for my rant, i just feel really shitty just now and really lonely..
Thanks for readiing
The problem your old boss caused, if it caused you financial difficulty, should have been rectified by your organisation. I know a number of people working in many different public sector organisations who when their pay is messed up, on phoning payroll to ask for a transfer of the correct funds are told it will be payed the next month and if the employer incurs any penalties or charges the organisation will pay them.
You will find a hell of a lot of people buy the things they need when they are on special, half price or second hand, they just do not rant about it because that is how life is.
What is the disability you have?
(23 October 2012, 19:25)Barneyboy Wrote: how dare you complan you PLEB,not really my friend that is capitalism for you keep the rich rich and the poor very poor and make it very hard to get any money that is control pal keep you chin up 
No capitalism is the free exchange of goods and capital. You are confusing how capitalism works with how a socialist democracy is working.
(23 October 2012, 19:30)Madgirl151 Wrote: Thanks, my chins staying up, im just gutted about the payrise, £3 a week when the boys both have school dinners to buy and because i work i dont get help.... the government is totally shit!!!
You could send your children to school with a packed lunch. If they go hungry for a couple of lunchtimes (which they will find no hardship in doing) you will have enough money for a couple of cheap thermos copy flasks you can put some home made soup or stew in. I have seen school lunch prices vary from £1.20 - £3 a day - even at the lower end of cost, you can make a portion of soup or stew for less than half the price.
Please do not expect me or any other tax payer to pay to feed children you decided to bring into the world.
(23 October 2012, 20:21)Barneyboy Wrote: so wot your saying is keeping the poor man down and making it very hard for him to get any wheremaking sure the rich pay fuck all in tax is not capitalism dude you should read more pal
Please, tell me the proportion of personal tax payed to the exchequer by those earning £40K + per year as opposed to the proportion payed by those earning <£20K a year.
Will you do it and make your statement fall down, or not?
(23 October 2012, 21:05)Barneyboy Wrote: yeah love my kids to go to uni but have not got the money,9 grand so the rich ptb are keeping the poor down so you cant tell me any diferent
What is wrong with £9K a year to go to uni when they can get a loan to cover all of that. They do not have to start paying back the loan until they are earning a decent wage.
They could do what I did when I went to uni - I went the first year of fees. I got sweet FA as my Father was a self employed sub contractor. The years I was in uni, not a lot of work around for him. Instead of me tapping my parents for money, I worked full time while I was at uni. I lived 250 miles from home so I had to support myself also. It was hard, but I manged. I did not spend my time crying about how hard done to I was because:
A: It was my choice to go to uni. I could have learned a trade and earned money as an apprentice
B: I was too busy working, studying or looking after myself.
By, you lot who thinks the world owes you a living prepping - prepping for what, when TSHTF knocking on doors and begging others to feed and clothe you and keep you warm?
23 October 2012, 22:28,
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RE: Stupid Government!!!
dont worry mate im not going to knock on any doors pal
just read alas Babylon ,so im going to get more salt!!!!
23 October 2012, 22:54,
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RE: Stupid Government!!!
I have just spent 10 minutes writing a message that i managed to lose somehow, i put at the beginning of my post that it was a rant ie to get it off my chest, obviously that part escaped you but i will answer all your questions.
1, When i applied for my job i was fit and healthy and only had 2 kids, i work 37 hours a week and spent nearly 18 months on a section being bullied by my boss who refused my transfer whilst they were still available and it was only when i moved sections that the transfer was put through however it was too late as all internal transfers were no longer allowed by then, the bullying i lived through was also part of the reason why my financial problems escalated and i never asked for help at work as at the time i was too scared.
2, I apologise profusely that i guessed that the pm had a wage rise, however, he earns in excess of £145k per year and even the average mp earne over £65k per year (i googled it and found the details on the parliament website which i can link you to if i need to prove myself further) and my point was simply that all the top knobs earn so much that they wouldnt have a clue as to how to manage on a measly £16k a year as i do, and btw im an ao which i think is probably the most commmon pay band we have at the mo
3, i do sent my kids with packed lunches as school dinners are nearly £15 a week each here and my oldest son frequently goes without his lunch as do i in order to save money, i just didnt want to put everything down as i was only having a rant!!!!
4, and most importantly, i have worked all my life, i have worked longer hours than a lot of people and i worked right through pregnancies and straight after iv had my kids, any benefits that i receive are simply the government paying me any tax iv paid back and if according to tptb im entitled and if iv paid loads in, why shouldnt i take it back out????
and as for the coming knocking on anyone when the shit hits the fan, believe me, i wont be relying on anyone but me!!!
at the end of the day, my post was about how unfair the system is and since i was feeling down due to a culmination of events i just wanted to post here where i thought i would be if not understood, then at least tolerated, thanks for putting me well and truly in my place!!!
23 October 2012, 23:06,
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RE: Stupid Government!!!
(23 October 2012, 22:54)Madgirl151 Wrote: BDG
I have just spent 10 minutes writing a message that i managed to lose somehow, i put at the beginning of my post that it was a rant ie to get it off my chest, obviously that part escaped you but i will answer all your questions.
1, When i applied for my job i was fit and healthy and only had 2 kids, i work 37 hours a week and spent nearly 18 months on a section being bullied by my boss who refused my transfer whilst they were still available and it was only when i moved sections that the transfer was put through however it was too late as all internal transfers were no longer allowed by then, the bullying i lived through was also part of the reason why my financial problems escalated and i never asked for help at work as at the time i was too scared.
2, I apologise profusely that i guessed that the pm had a wage rise, however, he earns in excess of £145k per year and even the average mp earne over £65k per year (i googled it and found the details on the parliament website which i can link you to if i need to prove myself further) and my point was simply that all the top knobs earn so much that they wouldnt have a clue as to how to manage on a measly £16k a year as i do, and btw im an ao which i think is probably the most commmon pay band we have at the mo
3, i do sent my kids with packed lunches as school dinners are nearly £15 a week each here and my oldest son frequently goes without his lunch as do i in order to save money, i just didnt want to put everything down as i was only having a rant!!!!
4, and most importantly, i have worked all my life, i have worked longer hours than a lot of people and i worked right through pregnancies and straight after iv had my kids, any benefits that i receive are simply the government paying me any tax iv paid back and if according to tptb im entitled and if iv paid loads in, why shouldnt i take it back out????
and as for the coming knocking on anyone when the shit hits the fan, believe me, i wont be relying on anyone but me!!!
at the end of the day, my post was about how unfair the system is and since i was feeling down due to a culmination of events i just wanted to post here where i thought i would be if not understood, then at least tolerated, thanks for putting me well and truly in my place!!!
you go girl  im blowing a rasberry at you bdg
just read alas Babylon ,so im going to get more salt!!!!
23 October 2012, 23:11,
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RE: Stupid Government!!!
(23 October 2012, 22:54)Madgirl151 Wrote: BDG
I have just spent 10 minutes writing a message that i managed to lose somehow, i put at the beginning of my post that it was a rant ie to get it off my chest, obviously that part escaped you but i will answer all your questions.
So your problems are down to either your actions or omissions and you blame the government. I am going to take a wild, wild guess here and say:
1. You work for the DWP at ' The Ministry' or TVP
2. You live in SE Northumberland or near and you wanted a transfer into a Jobcentre plus office. You used your disability and inability to drive so far as a reason for this.
3. You had no problems committing to getting into at least Newcastle to go to university. Did you take a hovercraft or perhaps a magic carpet that did not upset your disability.
Please forgive me, I am only having a rant. I pay for myself, my family, I try not to whine, I pay tax that is supposed to support those who charity should support but instead my money is wasted by bent politicians buying votes from the feckless. You can understand that?
23 October 2012, 23:23,
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RE: Stupid Government!!!
How exactly are my problems down to my actions or omissions???
and yeah i work for the DWP but at neither of the locations you guessed at and from where i live the only way i can get to work is by car or a bus of which there is only 3 per day and i know that i cant drive as i have been doing it over the past couple of years and its literally crippling me.
and i had no problems commiting to uni because i didnt have to either drive or take the bus and where i was going was far more accessible and it did aggravate my condition though not as much as working full time did and the uni course is 22 weeks of the year whereas fulltime work is 52 minus any taken as holiday.
its one thing to have a rant but when someone is clearly upset and just having a rant to get it off there chest, why would you personally attack them and try to make them feel even worse?????
and yes, i can understand your rant, but i was brought up that if i didnt have anything nice to say then i shouldnt say anything at all, i modified it that if i have nothing constructive to say and before you ask, yes i can take constructive critisiscm (even if i cant spell it) but i also believe that if you have questions to ask someone that there is a way to ask them without totally offending them!!!!!
23 October 2012, 23:29,
Vita Navitas
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RE: Stupid Government!!!
I think this thread is not going anywhere good, and should probably be left alone.
Although we are all entitled to our own opinions, we are equally entitled not to say them.
I'm not having a go at anyone, but this thread needn't continue.
Dissent is the highest form of Patriotism - Thomas Jefferson
Those who sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither - Benjamin Franklin
23 October 2012, 23:49,
Posts: 601
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RE: Stupid Government!!!
(23 October 2012, 23:23)Madgirl151 Wrote: its one thing to have a rant but when someone is clearly upset and just having a rant to get it off there chest, why would you personally attack them and try to make them feel even worse?????
I am very upset you feel making what you say into a very structured and concise form should mean you accuse me of a personal attack. When you write something and logic is applied to what you write to make it its most base and you take offense to that, perhaps you are taking offense to yourself.
None was intended on my behalf. If it was, please understand, it was not meant.
I am also in conclusion with the above poster, this seems to have gone as far as it needs. Perhaps further if the feelings are to be taken into account.
Perhaps if you had posed problems as questions I could have given more help, rather than turning a rant back on you to deal with.
I do know should TSHTF and I have a hysterical woman ranting about the situation, I shall do all that is in my power to calm her and maintain the calm of the rest of the group. This may mean they need a good hard slap or a long slow talking to.
What what you suggest was best for calming a woman that is ranting or may be hormonal so I know better in future?