18 November 2011, 00:23,
grumpy old man
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RE: Ground to air missiles at the olympics...
the whole things a waste of are money yet again i guess they will sell the places ofat a loss just like the northern rock, where would we be without those cleaver business men in the gov. wonder what business school they went too
to win the war, you must be willing to die
18 November 2011, 05:40,
Kenneth Eames
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RE: Ground to air missiles at the olympics...
It's a case of looking after the rich, to hell with you and me. Decency has gone completely now. It is a bitter pill to swallow. The Labour party are up in arms but what would they have done? Taken us further into debt, no doubt. There would not have been a bail-out for us because we are not in the Euro. Could this all point to the New World Order (The Fourth Reich)? Perhaps the 'nutters' are right after all! Am I going out of my mind, or am I seeing the destruction of our civilisation as I know it? Perhaps the slaves (US) must serve or go under. Living the life of a fugitive in one's own country will certainly be hard. Kenneth Eames.
18 November 2011, 11:10,
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RE: Ground to air missiles at the olympics...
I believe the "4th Reich" is coming, anyone noticed that with the crisis in the Eurozone Germany is taking a more active role, this country fought 2 world wars to stop this happening!!
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
18 November 2011, 11:12,
prepper operator
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RE: Ground to air missiles at the olympics...
Yup Merkel is starting to weild the economic panzers now.
18 November 2011, 11:36,
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RE: Ground to air missiles at the olympics...
Volker Kauder (anybody know who this guy is or what he does?) a close ally of the German leader has publicly declared "Germany is in the EU driving seat" - i think i might have heard something similar in the 1930's (had i been alive then) from someone called Mr. A. Hitler!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
19 November 2011, 15:10,
Qua Est Mike
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RE: Ground to air missiles at the olympics...
well i'll be alright then we've got german heratige so f*** you all ha ha haaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!
No only messing if germany takes over you can all be my loyal foot soldiers, we shall have ze power ve shallall rule zer vorld!!!! *ahem* cough * sorry something just took over me....
"Some say the end is near, some say we will see Armageddon soon...
I certainly hope we will, I sure could use a vacation from this silly shit."
19 November 2011, 15:18,
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RE: Ground to air missiles at the olympics...
Someone ask Cameron WTF are we doing in the EUROPEAN Union, we are not even in europe-its a continent- we live in the British Isles!! my parents and grandparents both fought wars to stop Germany from ruling europe and now they are doing it without a shot being fired! The war dead must be spinning in their graves, we have let them down-shame on us!!!
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
19 November 2011, 20:58,
Qua Est Mike
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RE: Ground to air missiles at the olympics...
I cant see why were in the european union anyway, all it does is take power from the government, maybe thats what they want though an excuse, to say its not us its brussels or whatever? Most people like to shift blame from themselves if their at fault, say it was somebody else.
I think britain should be towed somewhere warmer, not to hot, maybe just outside portugals territorial waters, and be called something else, something more fancy shmancy like the patriot islands, and anybody that wont serve the patriot islands forces, or is a terrorist threat gets dumped overboard on the way.
"Some say the end is near, some say we will see Armageddon soon...
I certainly hope we will, I sure could use a vacation from this silly shit."
20 November 2011, 10:08,
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RE: Ground to air missiles at the olympics...
I dont think i would want to live anywhere warmer Mike, maybe sort of Normandy or Brittany area would be OK but somewhere like Spain is TOO hot( for me anyway), i like the idea of having colder winters that kill off a lot of the germs and stuff. mind you i live in a mild part of the country anyway, our summers are quite hot enough for me. i like having seperate seasons so that we can grow different stuff, i grew up when we eat stuff that was in season, if it wasn't in season you couldn't get it, not like now with 24/7/365 availability in the supermarkets.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
20 November 2011, 10:21,
prepper operator
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RE: Ground to air missiles at the olympics...
I like where we live, not as nice as parts of the south, its mono national, mono cultural, and mono racial in general, which is good but not for the reasons you will be thinking. Socialism is limited to a few built up areas, up here its still old school English tory type self reliance than dominates, a culture I feel most at home in. Similar clusters of strongly traditional self reliant people are also found in NW Scotland. I like the " just leave us alone and we will take care of ourselves attitude" found in such places