9 December 2014, 22:05,
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RE: Political Ends
I think that political ideologies will be straight out of the window and that control and authority will become regionalised under more of a military/militia type structure.
Think of regions falling into administrative areas such as the old House of York; Northumberland; Wessex; Mercia; Anglia etc with region capitals and a regional Governor or similar.
Within each region I would guess that there would then be lots of local small groups or Militia's working as a unit which could be formed around a town or village with the leader being the judge and jury. These leaders would most likely either be one of two types, the first being a local figurehead who is respected and looked up to by the community and who has effectively been voted in and runs a democratic system; or the second who is dodgy power hungry thug who simply takes what he wants using his own personal rent a mob where democracy has no say.
But whichever type is in power, there will be rules and so therefore if there are rules, there are politics to be played out at sometime or another!
In addition to this there will obviously still be the lone wolves and small family units who largely survive on their own.
9 December 2014, 22:07,
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RE: Political Ends
We seem to have veered off the original content..... perhaps we could do a vote to see if being of one particular political bent would make a difference to your survival prospects post-crap.
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
9 December 2014, 22:43,
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RE: Political Ends
at first folk will go with whoever looks after them the best.
but as time goes by , they will want more.
remember ideas don't die, people do and sooner or later those ideas will come back.
and the other muppets ...
Survive the jive (youtube )
10 December 2014, 00:18,
(This post was last modified: 10 December 2014, 00:28 by River Song.)
River Song
Sine Qua Non
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RE: Political Ends
MaryN < RS
Are you seriously suggesting that girls and better cooks than boys?
IIRC most of the best chefs in the world are fellas
I'm not sure that after 'the event', that any political persuasion will prove more attractive than another. Power will always prove attractive and therein lies the danger of a demagogue.
NR - I take your point but I wonder where you would draw the line in your libertarian ethos?
I don't want to pay for libraries because I never use them
I don't want to pay for the NHS because I never use it or go private.
I don't want to pay for the dustman because I fly tip.
I don't want to pay for water because I buy evian
The point I am trying to make is that if you cherry pick what you want to pay for, someone could accuse you of being selfish. And thats OK. As long as you own it.
For my 2 pennies worth, it is necessary to impose somethings on society to prevent it falling apart at the seams.
enough said otherwise this will get deleted
Pax vobiscum
10 December 2014, 09:30,
(This post was last modified: 10 December 2014, 09:55 by NorthernRaider.)
prepper operator
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RE: Political Ends
I don't believe there will be an EVENT as such, just a gradual decline in society as everyone pays out more and more in direct and indirect taxation to fund a creaking and collapsing burocracy, NHS and Welfare state,
We are RIGHT NOW paying record levels of taxation both direct and indirect, YET services are being cut, poverty is on the increase, social unrest increasing regardless of the insane amounts of money being borrowed to prop up the state, OUR present system is in its death throws, THIS ( our kids today) is the first generation who are going to be MUCH worse off than their parents. Taxes o ever up but nothng improves the Defacit is now 97 Billion pounds a year and the national debt £1.4 Trillion and rising
Interest rates about to go up, mortgages unavailable, rents going though the roof, public services being cut, bins only being emptied fortnightly, pot holes taking two years to fill, education standards stalling, public health deteriating in a bizzard of obesity and over indulgence, long wait in A & E that are again as dirty and over crowded as they were in 1990 but this time compounded that millions now wait weeks for a GPs appointment even after record investment in GP services.
I believe in INSURANCE systems like the US to pay for healthcare though I do not object to payng a small amount of direct taxation to pay for trauma centres, The NHS has proven to be a bloated obscenity that costs ever more each year but its services get only ever worse.
I only want to pay for services use EG Binmen, street lighting, cops, fire services, dog wardens
Why should I be paying for ring and ride, meals on wheels, social services, youth centres sports centres libraries, Gay and Les support centres, Asylum seeker support services, drug addict drop in centres etc etc.
Its not being selfish at all, that's simply a left wing approach into cajoling people into being part of something they done need to be a part of. If my family were not subsidising so many others who I don't know, don't want to know, and not related to and have no moral obligation to that money saved could be used to give my kids a better quality of life and education.
I have an autistic brother in his fifties he cannot look after himself, my mum who is now 87 and crippled has looked after him her entire life, because she gets a small pension from ICI from my late dad onto of her state pension and they own their little house, and regardless of the countless thousands of pounds both my parents paid in tax when both worked they are NOT entitled to ANY help off this wonderful fucking social state that some think sacrosanct. Fity years of hard work and paying taxes and in her late eighties still struggling ever day to care for my brother, no do gooders to help, social services say she is not entitled to anything, so please with the greatest respect take you welfare state and NHS and shove it.
The NHS is fucked the NHS people like my wife and her colleagues will confirm this
The Welfare state is a bloated dead weight no longer fit for purpose..
Our taxes are better off in OUR wage packets then let US decide how best to pay for the essential services we use.
But the sheeple of all political persuasions will still carryon regardless as Rome burns around them, OUR economy is going down the same toilet as the Russians did at the end of the cold war. Its not the left or the right that failing its the entire bloated failing system we live in.
RS scribed ever so eloquently
"For my 2 pennies worth, it is NECCESSARY to impose somethings on society to prevent it falling apart at the seams."
My Dear Lady , "Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves. "
William Pitt the Younger
Nil illigitimus carborundum
PLEASE NOTE, the post above was NOT an attack on Left, Right or Centre politics or the political parties, I am saying to my honest belief the entire SYSTEM is broken and in terminal decline.
10 December 2014, 09:58,
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RE: Political Ends
I DO believe that this so called civilisation will at some point fail, same as the Romans, The Pharohs, the Aztecs and the Mayans, all their civilisations failed and were no more, so ours will be. politics will be consigned to history and any decisions made will be for the betterment of the group, the village, the community or the tribe. maybe at some point in the future when the population has recovered and increased politics might again rear its ugly head but that will be a long time down the road, could be a century or more, all of us here will be long gone by then.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
10 December 2014, 10:19,
prepper operator
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RE: Political Ends
Dunno if ours is going to FALL but it is going to FAIL and with it there will be horrific social implications, that's why I think so many people are becoming preppers, off gridders or just doing anything to be that bit more self reliant.
10 December 2014, 10:33,
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RE: Political Ends
maybe they are NR, but it is still a very small % of the population, most are still sheeple with their heads in the sand and will always be so.if and when this civilisation falls do not expect many of that type to survive, for if they do they will be more of a hinderance than a help.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
10 December 2014, 12:47,
(This post was last modified: 10 December 2014, 12:49 by NorthernRaider.)
prepper operator
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RE: Political Ends
Today I read on the BBC and Skye and in the papers that DESPITE record levels of taxation ever, the biggest NHS ever, most public spending ever. We pay out on tax MORE AND MORE but
1 50% of women now on prescription medicines, men at 44%
2 Train time reliability falling
3 Secondary schools declining again
4 More cuts on local services by many council planned
5 If interest rates rise by 1% up to 50,000 people will default on their mortgages
6 Govt says MORE defence cuts are needed and submarine fleet has had 44 fires in last few years
7 By April even after record investment in NHS up to 20% of hospitals likely to go bust
8 police forces saying they need to cut numbers again
9 It will take another £4Billion pounds an ten years just to fix the current road potholes
10 Homeless numbers increasing
11 More demand than ever for food banks
12 We need 2.5 MILLION new homes just to cope with current populations ( at 2012 levels)
13 Obesity leading to diabetes, blindness, amputations reaching record proportions and likely to BANKRUPT the NHS
14 Social and Civil unrest increasing
15 Violent / sexual and street crime rising
16 Most young people from WORKING and MIDDLE classes cannot afford to get onto the housing ladder but rents are rising in both state and private sectors
On top of all this the country is BORROWING £97 Billion a Year and the National debt is now £1.4 Billion, so tell me WHO is going to pay the bills?
So set aside left or right wing politics, even the dumbest of the dumb can see we are seeing ever more of our wealth and wages disappear on various taxes but its all still getting worse, MUCH WORSE and I think even Barney and Mo will agree with me things cannot go on like this without something breaking.
THAT folks is the REALPOLITIK of prepping.
Oh the cost of petrol is falling ( good for the motorist, bad for the chancellor cos tax receipts are falling)
AND EXPORTS are now falling BBC news at 11.48 Am today
10 December 2014, 12:52,
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RE: Political Ends
I don't think I would disagree with any of that, good summing up NR. and whichever of the 2 main parties gets into power next May they have both said the "austerity measures" will continue, so expect more of the same.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.